For own improved storage, compute the total cubic
capacity by multiplying the net storage space (SQ FT)
by an average stacking height of 10 feet. Remember
that stacking height may vary depending on the
characteristics of the material.
For unimproved open storage, multiply the square
feet occupied by the representative stacking height.
The attainable cubic feet is the product of net
storage space (SQ FT) multiplied by the stacking height
permitted by safety regulations and floor load
limitations with the use of MHE. Therefore, the
attainable cubic feet represents the cubic space usable
or available for storage with existing resources as
shown in figure 2-8.
For determining the attainable cubic feet for
improved open storage, use the same formula as cubic
space capacity.
The cubic capacity of the bin is computed by
multiplying the length by the width by the height of its
outside dimensions. The unused cubic space above the
bin will not be included as attainable space.
The cubic capacity of the rack is computed by
multiplying the outside dimensions of the length by the
width by the height. The cubic space above the rack is
included to the extent permissible by safety regulations.
The occupied square feet is the area occupied by
bins, racks, and materials in covered or open bulk areas.
The bin and rack space is considered occupied whether
or not material is stored therein. To determine the
occupied area (SQ FT), multiply the length by the
Determine the occupied cubic feet by multiplying
the net square feet by actual storage height(s).
Compute the bin and rack occupancy by
determining the vacant cubic feet portion and subtract
it from the attainable cubic feet.
The simpler method of determining the occupied
net storage space is by computing the total vacant space
and subtracting it from the total net storage space.
Computing the actual vacant space is easier than
measuring the space actually occupied. To compute the
vacant space, measure the floor area that is not actually
occupied by material. Include the space occupied by
empty pallets and dunnage as vacant space.
The two types of potential vacant space are type A
and type B. Type A is short spaces or broken spaces in
front of stacks that cannot be used for storing supplies
other than identical sires, lots, and so forth. Type A
vacant space is usually the result of honeycombing or
poor warehousing. Type B is low stacking that is
caused by failing to stack material to the full permissible
height. The following factors are not considered as
potential vacant space: low stacking caused by floor
load limitations, the height of roof rafters and ceiling
joists, and commodity characteristics.
The basic storage operations involve receiving,
storing, and shipping of materials. An effective supply
system greatly depends on the smooth flow of material
and paperwork from these operations.
Quick and accurate processing of receipts directly
contributes to an effective supply system. Receiving
operations are directly influenced by several factors.
These include the type of materials to be handled,
distance to storage locations, type of MHE available,
and characteristics of the storage facility. The
principles of receiving is basically the same. The
incoming material is received, processed, and
distributed. Some incoming material requires special
handling and control. These include materials that are
classified as pilferable or sensitive (including small
arms). Refer to Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP
P-485, Supply Ashore, NAVSUP Publication 1, Volume
2, and Department of the Navy Information and
Personnel Security Program Regulation, OPNAVINST