Awaiting parts unit
Rotatable pool unit
Pre-expended bin
Maintenance support package
These are some of the contact points that are
manned by AKs who provide direct services to
customers. Aviation maintenance personnel go to these
contact points to obtain services, advice, and answers to
questions. These points are important because the
services they provide are important. However, the
quality of these services is determined by the individual
AKs providing them YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE
The first thing the customer notices and uses in
forming an impression is the appearance of the AK and
the area of the contact point. An AK with a neat and
correct appearance brings respect from the customers.
No one is expected to look neat and fresh at the end of
a hard day, but everyone should start that way in the
beginning of the shift.
Appearance does not necessarily affect perform-
ance, but it does indicate your attitude and pride to the
customer. The appearance of the contact point also
reveals the attitude of the AK toward the job he/she is
assigned to do. A neat, business like, efficient working
space implies that the AKs working there are efficient
and business like.
The mission of the division can only be accom-
plished when all individual tasks are completed. We can
relate a division composed of smaller units to a
manufactory composed of several assembly lines
putting together small parts to build a product.
Whenever there is a vacant spot in the assembly line,
production process is slowed down and the product
cannot be completed. This applies to you because supply
is a large organization and requires everyones
cooperation to accomplish its mission. Cooperation
smooths a lot of rough spots. Being cooperative doesnt
mean taking over other peoples jobs. It means working
with other members of the team for the purpose of
improving individual performance and overall
Cooperation is necessary when breaking in a new
member of the organization. You can show the new
member the mechanics of the job and let him/her do the
job while you watch. But, a much better performance
from the new member can be achieved if you explain
the job thoroughly and provide references for any
questions. Maintaining orderliness at the point of
contact requires cooperation from everyone. Your
cooperation is required to respond to the customers
Assisting the AKs Customer
Helping a customer is a very easy task. Normally, it
only takes a minute of your time. Helping does not
necessarily mean doing everything to satisfy the
customers needs. You may not be authorized to perform
some functions that are usually performed by others.
You can provide assistance to the customer in the
following ways:
. Identify the kind of help needed.
. Perform the required service.
. Refer the customer to the applicable point of
contact if the required service is performed by others.
You can also make a phone call to the applicable point
of contact so that the customer will be expected.
SERVICE. Service is the work performed by the
AK that contributes to the welfare of others. As a
member of a support activity, you are the most important
link between supply and aviation maintenance. The
service you provide has a direct affect on the aircraft
readiness and effectiveness of aviation maintenance.
When the service provided to the customer is bad,
its can have a lasting negative effect on the individual
customer. It can cause the customer to feel resentment
and frustration toward the organization and the person
who provided the service.
On the other hand, good service builds good
attitudes, promotes morale, and gains the trust of the
customers. It is common for a customer to contact the
same AK that provided good service in the past. That
AK is viewed as being capable, interested, knowl-
edgeable, and most of all trustworthy.
COURTESY. Regulations do not require
courtesy beyond formal military courtesy. Common
courtesy goes beyond what we are required to do. It is
a voluntary expression of respect or consideration to
anothers rights or feelings. It is being polite and helpful
when talking to someone on the telephone; opening the
door for someone heavily laden with packages; and