security requirements are set by competent authority.
Navy stock account and special accounting class 207
material stowage are included in this group. The security
administration for this group are as follows:
. Each lock will be opened by an original and
duplicate key that is different from the keys to other
. The original key will be drawn from the key
locker at the beginning of the day, and will remain in the
possession of the person in charge of the space during
working hours.
l The key will be returned in the key locker in the
supply office at the end of the working day.
. Duplicate keys will be kept in the duplicate key
locker in the supply office or in the supply officers safe.
. A master key, which will open all locks in group
I, will be in the custody of the supply officer. A duplicate
master key may be placed in the custody of an officer or
petty officer designated in writing by the supply officer.
A grand master key will be kept in the custody of
the supply officer. The supply officer may authorize the
duplicate master key to be passed among duty supply
officers provided that strict accountability is main-
The supply department office spaces are to be kept
locked when not open for business. Distribution of keys
to supply department offices will be at the discretion of
the supply officer.
The original keys to the key locker will be kept in
the possession of the supply officer. Duplicate keys will
be passed among duty supply officers or duty supply
petty officers as authorized by the supply officer. Keys
maintained in the key lockers must have an
identification marking to be used for inventory of keys.
A complete key inventory is usually accomplished
during turnover of shifts or before securing from work.
The results of the inventory are logged in the pass down
log or the duty section logbook, with the date and time
the inventory was accomplished and the name of the
person who conducted the inventory. Any discrepancy
to the key inventory must be reported to the duty supply
officer and petty officer, and must be corrected right
You are in one of many ratings in the Navy that is
primarily involved with providing services directly to
personnel. This section identifies the skills and attitudes
you will need to provide good customer service. Refer
to Navy Customer Service Manual for more
As an AK working in a support activity, you will
deal with a lot of customers everyday. You must follow
the proper procedures to maintain control and
accountability in providing the needed requirements of
these customers. But, there may be times when the
customers feel that the service or treatment provided
was unsatisfactory. Did you correct the deficiency or
continue working? How would you feel if you were the
customer and received the same service from the
supporting activity? You will probably understand the
situation better than the customer because you are
familiar with the supply procedures. A customer can still
be given good service even though it is impossible to
provide the desired results. People may ask for things or
services to which they are not entitled or you are not
authorized to approve or grant. In such cases, service
refers to the quality of service rather than whether or not
you complied with all of the customers wishes.
Providing quality service, either directly or indirectly to
personnel and to the Navy, is the responsibility of
everyone in the Navy.
The term customer is a familiar word. Everyone
becomes a customer at some time. You provide services
to customers, but become a customer when you require
the services of the personnel office, disbursing office,
career counselors office, and so forth. In this section,
we refer to customers as anyone for whom a service is
Contact Point
The contact point is, very simply, the physical
location to which a customer goes to obtain a service.
Some examples of contact points areas follows:
. Requisition control unit
. Technical research unit
l Document control unit