can be found in OPNAVINST 4790.2 (series). There are
two types of TDs, formal and informal, which are
distinguished by their method of dissemination. They
are normally distributed as technical notes/orders,
bulletins, or changes. The three action categories of TDs
are as follows:
. Immediate. This category is assigned to TDs
when an uncorrected safety condition exists that could
result in a fatal or serious injury to personnel,
destruction to valuable property, or serious damage.
Compliance must be accomplished before returning
aircraft or equipment to service. Kits/parts required in
this category should be requisitioned by using supply
issue group I.
. Urgent. This category is assigned to TDs when a
potentially hazardous condition exists that, if
uncorrected, could result in injury to personnel, damage
to valuable property, or unacceptable reduction in
operational efficiency. Although this category does not
remove aircraft/equipment from service, it does have a
specific date or time frame assigned by which the TD
must be accomplished. Kits/parts in this category should
be ordered by using supply issue group I or H, depending
on the date assigned for completion.
. Routine. This category is assigned to TDs when
there are reliability, capability, or maintainability
deficiencies that, if uncorrected, could become a hazard
through prolonged use or have an adverse effect on the
life or use of the affected equipment. This category does
not have specific compliance dates assigned. Kits/parts
in this category should be requisitioned by using supply
issue group III.
The security identification of Confidential or Secret
instructions and notices is indicated by prefixing the
subject numbers by C for Confidential and by S for
Secret. A single set of consecutive numbers is used for
each originating office for each subject number
regardless of the security classification of individual
instructions. Example: If the first instruction issued on
material expenditure is Unclassified, the second
instruction Confidential, and the third instruction
Secret, they would be numbered 4480.1, C-4480.2, and
S-4480.3, respectively. The classification designations
of information that require protection against
unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national
security are as follows:
Top Secret: Unauthorized disclosure of Top Secret
information could reasonably be expected to cause
exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
Secret: Unauthorized disclosure of Secret
information could cause serious damage to national
Confidential: Unauthorized disclosure of
Confidential information could reasonably be expected
to cause damage to the national security.
Documents marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
(FOUO) contain information that should be disclosed
only to persons who need to know to perform their
official duties. For you, it means that you will disclose
information only when and as directed by your superiors
in the chain of command. Disclosure of information,
which may be limited to official use, even though such
material is not appropriately marked, is covered by Navy
Regulations, Article 1252.
Security clearances for access to classified informa-
tion are obtained after investigative requirements on the
individual is completed. This also applies to the AKs
handling classified material. Regulations and guidance
for classifying and safeguarding classified information
and for personnel security for DON activities and
personnel are provided in OPNAVINST 5510.1.
Classified record material may be destroyed only
when destruction is the disposition authorized by
SECNAVINST 5212.5. all other classified material
should be destroyed as soon as it is no longer required.
Early disposal of unnecessary classified material can
assist in reducing security costs, preparing for
emergency situations, and better protecting necessary
classified material. Classified material must be
destroyed only by authorized means and by personnel
cleared to the level of the material being destroyed. The
method used to destroy classified material must prevent
later recognition or reconstruction. The common
methods of destruction are as follows:
. Burning: This is the traditional method of
destruction. The destruction is complete and disposition
of remaining ash is relatively simple.
. Shredding: This method can be done in two ways.
In strip shredding, the machine must cut the material to
be destroyed into strips no greater than 1/32 inch in
width. In cross-cut shredding, the machine must reduce
the material to shreds no greater than 3/64 inch wide by
1/2 inch long.