Figure 5-3.-Issue/Receipt Release Document (IRRD), DD Form 1348-1A.
DD FORM 1149
The Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document,
DD Form 1149, is normally used to requisition or
receive specific materials or services, such as repairs or
rental equipment. When materials or services are
received on a DD Form 1149, the ordering department
will do the technical inspection, if required. The unique
nature of the material received on the DD Form 1149
requires that receiving personnel be extremely careful
when processing these receipts. Receiving personnel
must secure and properly distribute these materials.
Figure 5-4 shows an example of how to till out a DD
Form 1149. After technical review and acceptance,
receiving personnel will complete the DD Form 1149
receipt document. To complete the DD Form 1149, you
must mark and circle the quantity in column D. Also,
you must date and sign in the lower right portion of the
DD Form 1149, but not over any existing information.
DD FORM 1155
Ashore and afloat activities use DD Form 1155 as
an order for supplies and services or as receipts from
commercial sources. When used as receipt document,
complete DD Form 1155 by circling the quantity in
column 20. Also, enter the date and signature in block
26 (fig. 5-5). Proper processing of DD Form 1155
receipts requires familiarity with the terms and concepts
discussed in the following paragraphs.
Direct Delivery
When used for direct delivery, blocks 13 and 14 of
DD Form 1155 will show that the material and invoice
will be sent directly to the ordering activity. In such
cases, the ordering activity is responsible for both a
quality and quantity certification and acceptance of
Normally, there are no qualified receiving personnel
to make technical judgments in receiving material. A
technical specialist from the ordering department or unit
should help confirm acceptance before completing the
DD Form 1155. Figure 5-5 shows receipt for direct
delivery on a DD Form 1155.