Figure 5-2.-DOD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document, DD Form 1348-1.
DD FORM 1348-1
Receipts from shore activities and automated afloat
units are done either on a DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form
1348-1A. The title of these forms are DOD Single Line
Item Release/Receipt Document and Issue/Receipt
Release Document (IRRD), respectively. Examples of
these receipt documents are shown in figures 5-2 and
The following paragraphs describe the receipt
procedures for material received on a DD Form 1348-1.
Circle the quantity in record positions 25-29 if
correct. That is, the number of item received is the same
as the quantity shown on the document. If the quantity
is different, line out the original quantity. Then, enter
and circle the quantity actually received immediately
above the original quantity. Enter the date received and
signature in block 7. Block N of the DD Form 1348-1
contains the security code for the item shipped. The
record position 73 of the document contains the material
control code (MCC).
Receiving personnel should be familiar with both
Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures
MILSTRIP and local management coding and
command instructions for controlled items.
DD FORM 1348-1A
The DD Form 1348-1A is designed to be used with
the activitys Logistics Applications of Automated
Marking and Reading Symbols (LOGMARS)
processing equipment. The document number (in box
24) and NSN (inbox 25) are bar coded. Box 26 contains
the bar coded Routing Identifier code (RIC), unit of
issue (UI), quantity (QTY), Condition code (CON
CODE), Distribution code (DIST), and unit price (UP).
These 20 position characters are continuous with no
dashes or spaces. The procedures for processing IRRD
are the same as prescribed for DD Form 1348-1. The
lower left portion of the IRRD contains the security and
MCC information. Use this information to ensure
proper receipt processing.