. The DBOF facilities ashore include the fleet
industrial support centers and naval air stations (NASs).
Transfer Procedures For End-Use Material
Transfer of NSA material between ships of the same
type commander are nonchargeable transactions.
However, the value of the transaction will be included
in the B summary of the transferring ship. See NAVSO
P-3013-2, paragraph 6100-2a, for more details.
Transfers between ships of different type commanders
are chargeable transactions. The value of the transaction
will be included in the A summary of the transferring
ship. Transfers between ships of the same or different
type commanders will not give credit to the OPTAR of
the transferring ship. However, the transferring activity
may use the value of such transfer to support an OPTAR
augment request from the type commander.
Transfers of Appropriation Purchase Account
(APA) materials
Transactions on
are nonchargeable transactions.
APA material does not require
Forces afloat normally use the DD Form 1348 (6-pt)
to transfer material. The requesting ship prepares and
submits DD Form 1348 (6-pt) to the transferring ship.
However, the requesting ship may send the request by a
different method. When requested by a different
method, the transferring ship prepares the DD Form
1348-1 to document the transaction.
The requesting ship must prepare the DD form 1348
(6-pt) according to MILSTRIP. When processing the
document, the transferring ship must add the following
data on the document:
Add the words Approved for
Transfer and the name, rank, and
signature of the person authorizing the
Add the expenditure invoice number,
unit price, and total price (on hardback
copy). Add the words COST
The following texts describes the distribution of the
copies of DD Form 1348 (6-pt) used as transfer
The original copy stays with the transferring ship.
After posting the transaction, the transferring ship files
this copy in the expenditure invoice file.
The green copy is filed in holding file No. 1 of the
requesting ship if the material is chargeable to the
The yellow copy stays with the transferring ship to
support summary. The transferring ship submits this
copy to the Defense Accounting Office if material is
chargeable. If material is nonchargeable, the
transferring activity discards this copy.
The white copy is returned to the requesting ship if
receipt signature is required.
The hardback copy is used as the material
outstanding file by the requesting activity.
The other form used as a transfer document is the
DD Form 1348-1. Activities use this form as a
controlling document when transferring material to
another activity. The DD Form 1348-1, used to
document the transfer, must include information
described in the following texts.
The record positions 8-29 must contain the stock
number, unit of issue, and quantity of the item.
The record positions 30-66 must have the same
information as in the original request.
The record positions 74-80 must contain the current
unit price.
Data block A must contain the service designator,
UIC, name, and hull number of the transferring ship.
Data block B must contain the service designator,
UIC, name, and hull number of the requesting ship.
Data block E must contain the total price of the
transaction. Compute the total price by multiplying the
unit price and quantity on the document.
Data block N must be blank for unclassified
material. Enter C in this block for Confidential material.
Place the consignees copy of the documents with the
security code inside the container.
Data block V must contain the expenditure invoice
number, plus the words COST CHARGE ONLY if
material is an APA.
Data block X must contain the nomenclature of the
Data block FF must contain the remark Approved
for transfer.