Data block GG must contain the name, rank, and
signature of the person authorized to approve the
Activities may include other information on the
document when transferring aviation depot-level
repairable (AVDLR) material. This information may
include the job control number (JCN), part number,
serial number, and family group code. Refer to
NAVSUP P-545 or NAVSUP P485, chapter 5, for the
procedures in transferring depot-level repairable (DLR)
When the transferring ship uses DD Form 1348-1
to document the transfer, distribute copies as described
in the following texts. Refer to AVDLR procedures for
distributing copies of repairable shipment documents.
The original copy stays with the transferring ship,
and is filed in the expenditure invoice file after posting.
Copies 2 and 3 are attached to the material and sent
to the requesting ship.
Copy 4 stays with the transferring ship, and is
attached tothe retained copy of the summary; or it is
discarded if applicable to APA material.
Copy 5 stays with the transferring ship to support
the summary; or it is discarded if applicable to APA
Copy 6 is attached to the original copy in the
expenditure invoice file of the transferring ship after the
receipt signature is obtained. The transferring ship may
discard this copy if receipt signature is not requested.
Transfer of Aviation Fuel
Transfer of aviation fuels and lubricants between
ships with AVCAL accounts use DD Form 1348 to
document the transaction. The document must cite the
special Accounting Class 207 NSA fund code. The
SUADPS system will treat the transfer as an Other
Supply Officer (OSO) transaction.
Transfers from ships with AVCAL accounts to ships
without AVCAL accounts can be documented on DD
Forms 1149, 1348, or 1348-1.
Transfer of aviation fuel to shore activities (offload)
is documented on an unpriced DD Form 1149. The
transaction is not summarized but must be reported
according to NAVSO P-3013-2, paragraph 6105.
Transfer of Special Clothing
Transfer of special clothing to other ships needs
approval from the commanding officer. Ships can
transfer special clothing to a shore activity only when
the on-hand quantity is in excess of the authorized
allowance. The documentation used for transferring
special clothing is DD Form 1348-1.
Transfer of Aircraft Engines
Transfer of aircraft engines from the custody of a
reporting custodian to another activity requires
submitting a report. See procedures described in
NAVAIRINST 13700.15 (series). The Aircraft Engine
Management System (AEMS) allows the use of an
on-line computer terminal for submitting reports on
aircraft engines. The AEMS terminal also allows
retrieval of information on specific engines. AEMS
provides accurate and timely data to Naval Air Systems
Command (NAVAIR) and air type commanders.
The document used for shipping aircraft engines is
DD Form 1348-1. With MILSTRIP data, the document
also must include the type, model, serial number, and
condition of the engine.
The term survey refers to the procedures for
determining the cause of gains, losses, or damage to
government property. Also, it determines the procedure
for establishing personal responsibility (if any) and
documenting necessary inventory adjustments to stock
records. The form used for survey is the Financial
Liability Investigation of Property Loss, DD Form 200.
The purpose of the form is to report the facts and
circumstances supporting the assessment of financial
charges for the loss, damage, or destruction of
DOD-controlled property.
Even with the physical security and quality control
established by activities to take care of government
property, discrepancies occur. The discrepancy may be
between stock or property book balances and the
physical status of material in storage. The discrepancies
are subject to review/approval thresholds, as described
by their applicable category. The categories are supply
system stock or property book material. The
NAVSUPINST 4440.115 (series) provides procedures
for processing the DD Form 200.
All items with discrepancies are subject to survey
report procedures. The only exception is incoming
shipments that can be attributed to shipper or carrier