liability. See NAVSUPINST 4440.179 (series) for more
To understand the survey procedures better, you
must know the terms that apply to it. The following
paragraphs list these terms.
officer is an individual appointed by proper authority
who maintains item or financial records on government
property. The appointment may entail financial liability
for failure to exercise the individuals obligation. The
government property may be in the individuals
possession for use or storage or in the possession of
others, to whom it has been officially entrusted for use
or care and safekeeping. For supply system stock the
supply officer or stores officer is the accountable officer.
authority is the individual appointed, in writing, by the
approving authority. The appointing authority appoints
the financial liability officer, if required. This official
approves or disapproves the recommendations of the
responsible officer, reviewing authority, or financial
liability officer. The appointing authority also
recommends actions to the responsible officer. The
appointing authority is normally senior to the
responsible officer, reviewing authority, accountable
officer, and financial liability officer. Afloat, the
appointing authority for surveys of supply system stock
may be the CO, XO, or supply officer (if not
accountable). Also, the official appointed as approving
authority may act as the appointing authority.
determines whether to relieve involved individuals from
responsibility and accountability or approve assessment
of financial liability. The approving authority may act
as the appointing authority. The approving authority is
the commanding officer. The commanding officer may
authorize the supply officer to approve surveys of Navy
stock fund valued at less than ,000.
CAUSATIVE RESEARCH. This is an in-depth
investigation of specific physical inventory
discrepancies. The purpose of doing causative research
is to find out why the discrepancy y occurred so corrective
action can be taken. This research consists of a complete
review of all transactions. It includes transactions back
to the last physical inventory, last location audit, or
within 1 year, whichever occurs first. The types of
transactions reviewed are receipts, issues, change
notice, location updates, and unposted or rejected
documents. This review begins with the analysis of
transactions posted in master stock records and ends
with the validation of source documents. The causative
research ends upon discovery of the cause of the
discrepancy or when the discrepancy cannot be
FINANCIAL LIABILITY. This is the statutory
debt of an individual to repay the government for lost,
damaged, or destroyed property as a result of negligence
or abuse.
officer is an individual appointed, in writing, by the
appointing authority. This official is responsible for
investigating the incident to determine responsibility for
gain, loss, damage, or destruction of government
property. The appointed individual must not be
responsible or accountable or in any way interested in
the property being surveyed. The appointed individual
may bean officer, enlisted, or civilian. Officers assigned
will be a commissioned officer or warrant officer. If
enlisted, the member must be in grades E-7 thru E-9.
Civilian employee assigned must be a GS-09 or above.
The appointing authority official also may act as the
financial liability officer.
of the financial liability board maybe appointed by the
appointing authority to conduct the investigation. The
primary purpose of the board is to provide information
to the appointing and approving authorities. The board
performs administrative but NOT judicial functions.
The report submitted by the board is for advisory
purposes, and the opinions do not constitute final
determinations or legal judgments. The recom-
mendations submitted by the board are not binding upon
the appointing and approving authorities. The board
members may be commissioned or warrant officers;
enlisted in grades E-7, E-8, or E-9; or civilian employees
GS-09 or above.
materials are all government property other than supply
system stock. The military real property is a property
book material. This category covers land, building
structures, utility systems, and improvements. It
includes all equipments attached or installed, such as
heating systems, elevators, and lavatories.
Minor property refers to items costing less than
,000 per unit price. (,000 is the threshold as of
October 1, 1991.) Minor property include items bought
on or after October 1, 1991, that cost between ,000
and ,999.99 and that were removed from plant