Figure 7-10.-Partial substitute issue documentation on DD Form 1348 (6-pt).
Figure 7-11.-Substitute Issue documentation on DD Form 1348 (6-pt).
The S/LSC or SRS forwards the completed issue
illegal issue of an item. Some may even be tempted to
document to stock control for filing in the history file.
sell this material or use it for personal benefit.
The definition of unauthorized issue is the issuance
Special Issue Procedures
of material for other than its intended use. This also
includes issuance without proper authority and
This section describes some of the regulations that
paperwork, selling of government property, or giving
the AK must know about legal and illegal issues of
away material. Obtaining government material for one's
material. The legal issue refers to the issuance of
own use without proper authority is also an
unauthorized issue.
material with the proper authority and paperwork.
The AK may use a regulation, instruction. manual.
The AK, working in spaces containing flight
publication, or written order from the supply officer as
clothing or hand tools, may be approached to make
proper authority for issuing material.