Material offload-Continued
MTIs, 7-19
offload processing, 7-21
packaging, marking, and containerization for
turn-in, 7-22
preparation of material for turn-in, 7-21
turn in of classified material, 7-20
Material outstanding files, 4-19
rejected requisitions, 4-19
requisition record, 4-19
back order file, 4-19
Material protection, 6-4
Material received without paperwork, 5-14
dummy invoice, 5-14
Material reporting, 9-2
reports, 9-3
Material returned to supply, 5-24
Material safety data sheet, 5-14
Material security, 6-2
access, 6-2
key control, 6-2
Material transfers, 7-13
distribution of document, 7-14
documentation, 7-14
types of transfers, 7-13
Material without identification labels, 5-24
Mechanized processing, 7-4
Media and Status code, 4-3
Military Shipment Label, 5-20
documentation, 7-29
TCMD, 7-29
MILSTRIP message, 4-5
Monitoring activity, 4-5
NALCOMIS, 8-1, 9-1
access, 8-1
data elements, 9-1
devices, 8-1,9-1
passwords, 9-1
SMQ, 9-1
training, 8-1
NAMP, 8-1, 9-1, 9-2
goal, 9-2
meetings, 9-2
policies and procedures, 9-2
supporting programs, 9-2
National Codification Bureau (NCB) code, 3-6
National Stock Number (NSN), 3-5
Naval Logistics Library, 2-3
Naval message, 2-8
date-time group, 2-8
declassification, 2-8
preparation, 2-8
Navy Activity Control (NAC) numbers, 2-5,3-10
Navy Item Control Number (NICN), 3-9
composition, 3-10
designation, 3-9
permanent LL coded NICNs, 3-10
temporary LL coded NICNs, 3-10
Navy retail items, 3-1
Navy Stock List of Publications, Forms, and
Directives, 3-15
Navy Supply System, 1-1
inventory control points, 1-1
inventory managers, 1-1
organization, 1-1
Nonscheduled inventories, 10-11
Not carried, 10-2
Not in stock, 10-2