Requisition status, 4-12
abbreviated MILSTRIP supply status, 4-13
formats, 4-12
types, 4-12
Requisitioning, 8-4
Requisitioning objective, 10-2
Response times, 9-4
Responsibilities, 7-6
Routing Identifier code, 4-3
Safe storage rules, 6-17
clearances, 6-18
height of stacks, 6-18
Safety level, 10-2
Scheduled inventories, 10-11
Sea express, 7-25
Security of classified correspondence, 2-10
access, 2-10
classification designations, 2-10
clearances, 2-10
disposition, 2-10
Security of supply department spaces, 2-11
general supply security rules, 2-11
key lockers, 2-12
office spaces, 2-12
padlocks and master keys, 2-11
SFOEDL, 8-15
Shelf-life markings, 5-21
Shelf-life material, 6-9
Shipment, 5-29,7-24
air, 7-24
ocean, 7-25
tracer, 4-18
Shipment status, 4-14
Shipping hazardous materials, 5-21
Ships Parts Control Center, 1-7
Signal code, 4-4
SIM item, 10-2
SM&R codes, 3-16
change request,
example, 3-16
format, 3-17
Maintenance codes, 3-17
Recoverability code, 3-17
Source code, 3-16
Small purchase, 4-10
Special assignment airlift missions, 7-25
Special handling data/certification, 5-21
Special issue procedures, 7-11
flight clothing, 7-12
leather flight jackets, 7-12
record of flight equipment issue, 7-12
Special material identification code (SMIC), 3-9
breakdowns, 3-9
Special validation requests, 4-21
Spot inventories, 10-10
Standard Form 44, 8-6
Standard pack adjustment, 7-4,7-8
Stock control, 10-1, 10-2
files, 10-3
financial reports, 10-5
issues, 10-4
material transfer, 10-4
order and shipping time, 10-3
receipt, 10-4
responsibilities and functions, 10-2
stock replenishment, 10-3
updates, 10-3
Stock control branch, 7-2
Stock replenishment, 10-3