Stockage objective, 10-2
Storeroom information, 10-13
location audit program, 10-13
Stores Account, 3-6
Appropriations Purchase Account (APA), 3-6
Navy Stock Account (NSA), 3-6
Stowage, 6-2
facilities, 6-2
criteria, 6-2
temporary storage, 6-3
Stowage aids, 6-6
collars and notched spacers, 6-7
dunnage, 6-7
pallets, 6-6
Substitute issue, 7-6,7-10
Supply assistance, 4-17
Supply department, 1-8
afloat, 1-11
ashore, 1-8
basic functions, 1-8
Supply/Logistics Support Center (S/LSC), 7-6
Supply response section, 9-5
MDU, 9-7
PEB, 9-8
PMU, 9-9
RCU, 9-5
responsibility, 9-5
SLU, 9-7
TRU, 9-7
Supply terms, 10-1
demand-based item (DBI), 10-1
demand/quantity, 10-1
direct turnover (DTO), 10-1
endurance level, 10-1
frequency of demand, 10-1
high limit, 10-2
Surface shipments, 7-25
commercial trucks, 7-26
contract truck, 7-26
government vehicle, 7-25
mail, 7-26
Survey, 7-1,7-15
criteria, 7-17
distribution of DD Form 200, 7-19
expenditure document number, 7-1
expenditure file, 7-2
expenditure record log, 7-1
procedures, 7-18
terms, 7-15
Tables of basic allowances, 2-4
TCMD, 7-29
Technical directives, 2-9
categories, 2-10
responsibility, 2-9
Tool control, 8-19
responsibility, 8-19
Transfer, 7-1
Transfer of aircraft engines, 7-15
Aircraft Engine Management System (AEMS),
Transfer of aviation fuel, 7-15
Transfer of special clothing, 7-15
Transportation control number (TCN), 5-19
partial shipment code, 5-20
split shipment code, 5-20
Transportation of property, 2-3
Turn-in, 8-10
Type Equipment code, 8-3