Velocity inventories are based on the premise that
inaccuracies of stock balances for any given items
increase with issue frequency. Therefore, a velocity
inventory requires aperiodic physical count of all stock
items that experience frequent demands (fast movers).
Velocity inventory also requires the physical count of
items with infrequent demands or no demands (slow
movers). Personnel usually perform inventory of items
considered as slow movers when conducting an issue of
such items.
The following paragraphs describe minimum
scheduled inventories required for inventory control of
stock material. Some items may be included in more
than one group or class of material for inventory. If so,
these items should be inventoried according to the group
or class that requires greater frequency. On aircraft
carriers, inventory frequency for DBI/POS items is
annual, preferably before a major replenishment.
Inventory frequency for non-DBL/non-POS items
(material that does not meet the demand criteria for
DBI/POS) is annual. Special material described in
previous paragraphs also requires scheduled inventory.
These are inventories unexpectedly required due to
significant stock record inaccuracies. Supply personnel
may discover these inaccuracies during issue process,
random sampling inventory, or an annual supply
inspection. Some examples of unscheduled inventories
are spot inventories and those occasionaly required of
certain items by higher authority.
There are several things activities should do before
conducting inventories. To properly prepare for
inventories, activities should complete the following
l Unposted Documents. Receipts and expenditure
transaction documents for items that have been removed
or placed in an assigned location must be posted to stock
records. Transaction documents purposely held from
being processed will be held in the suspense or pending
. Material Arrangement. Supply department
personnel or other departments custodian must arrange
material included for inventory when practical. Identify
material properly by marking, tagging, or labeling. Stow
items with identification or markings plainly visible.
Package loose units of small items in standard bulk lots.
Reseal containers of items that have full counts of
originally packaged quantities. Stack uniformly sized
packages of the same units in rows and tiers to make
counting easy. For example, put together boxes of items
with the same NSN, such as screws, nuts, or bolts, in the
same row.
. Count Document. Before the physical inventory,
stock control will prepare the count document. The
count documents may be NAVSUP Form 1075,
inventory cards, or computer listing. The count
document will have the stock number or part number,
nomenclature, unit of issue, and locations. The count
document will have all the storage locations for each
items except when doing a bulkhead-to-bulkhead
inventory of a specific storeroom. Some activities may
use the Logistics Applications Markings and Reading
Symbols (LOGMARS) inventory module. When using
LOGMARS, inventory personnel can use the bar code
reader to record the inventory of items. The user can
scan the bin location, stock number, and unit of issue
label, and then key in the quantity.
. Administrative Action. The supply officer may
request to publish the scheduled inventory in the Plan
Of The Day. This notice includes processing
restrictions, such as conducting issues for emergency
requirements only.
The accuracy of stock records depends upon
complete and correct physical inventory counts. To
avoid recount or research, determine the total quantity
of each item during the initial count. Inventory
personnel are authorized to open sealed containers for
identification, except containers sealed for preservation.
The supply officer may authorize inventory personnel
to open preservation packaging. After identifying and
counting the items, personnel must reseal and mark all
the containers. The person who checked the content of
the container should initial and date the container.
Inventory personnel will proceed from location to
location in predetermined sequence. They must check
the items for proper identification, marking, and
labeling. Inventory personnel should also make a record
of items that need preservation or items that are unfit for
issue. The quantity inventoried should be recorded in
the count documents legibly. For items stored in