(rp 65), which tells the activity the reason for sending
the bill. These Reason codes are as follows:
BK3 produced due to BK2 with
C, D, or G Response code. Billing
will be at standard price.
BK3 produced due to non-
response to BK1. No BK2
received. Submit/resubmit BK2.
BK3 produced due to the use of a
second For K response.
ICP delayed this transaction
because it was suspended for
ICP deleted a match that was
generated by the imperfect match
To correct the carcass tracking record, the
requisitioner should submit/resubmit a BK2. If the
activity can correct the carcass tracking, it can also
request a billing reversal. The activity can request a
billing reversal by using the BK2 format and submitting
it to tie proper ICP. The ICP will review the BK2
document and determine if credit applies. If a carcass
value credit applies, the ICP will send a BK4 document
to the requisitioning activity.
A BK4 document is a notification of reduced billing
to a customer. Refer to NAVSUP P485 and appendix
W of NAVSUP P-545 for the format of BK4 documents.
When processing the BK4 document, check the quantity
(rp 22-26) and the Reason code (rp 65). The following
are the Reason codes used in BK4 documents:
A Positive turn-in data received against a tracking
record in billing status.
B Positive turn-in data received against a tracking
record in BK3 status.
C BK3 suppressed as a result of a B or F reject.
A BK4 with Response code A will result in a credit
on the Summary Filled Order/Expenditure Difference
Listing (SFOEDL). The credit is posted because the
additional billing was previously posted in the
SFOEDL. The BK4 with a Response code B or C will
not cause a credit to the SFOEDL because the carcass
value was never billed by the ICP.
customer turns in a non-RFI AVDLR item with no
corresponding requisition, check the NSN of the item if
it is carried in stock. If the item is carried in stock, induct
the item into AIMD for repair. If the item is not carried
(NC), create a record of the NSN in the stock record
before inducting the item into AIMD. Process the turn-in
document as Material Returned to Store. If the item
was confirmed as beyond capable maintenance (BCM)
by AIMD, ship the item according to ATAC procedures.
If credit is provided by the ICP, it will be provided to
your type commander (TYCOM).
When the customer returns an RFI AVDLR, check
the stock record if it is carried in stock. If the item is
carried in stock, process the turn-in document as
Material Returned to Store by using the local
If the item is needed to fill a stock replenishment
requirement, process the transaction as Material
Returned to Store. Submit a cancellation request for the
outstanding stock replenishment requisition. In most
cases, the turn-in item will cause an excess situation in
the stock posture. The cyclic inventory schedule will
identify those items in excess of authorized allowance.
Activities should offload AVDLR items identified
as excess. Activities should offload the RFI AVDLR
item to the closest Navy Transaction Item Reporting
(TIR) activity. The shipping document (usually DD
Form 1348-1) should have Fund Code QZ or Y6
(rp 52-53), Movement Priority Designator 06 (rp
60-6 1), Condition Code A (rp 71), and Management
Code C (rp 72). The Document Identifier (rp 1-3) of the
shipping document must be blank. Refer to NAVSUP
P-485 and NAVSUP P-545 for the detailed format of
DD Form 1348-1 used in shipping excess AVDLR. The
Management code C (rp 72) means the item is being
returned for possible credit. If the ICP grants the credit,
it will be given to the type commander of the requesting
If the returned RFI AVDLR item is not carried (NC)
in stock create the record of the NSN in the stock
records. Process the item as Material Returned to
Store, and then offload it at the first opportunity.
AVCAL or physical inventory will identify the AVDLR
items that are no longer needed for stock or excess to
the authorized allowances. These items must be
offloaded to the nearest TIR activity for processing. The
shipping document must be prepared according to the
format described in NAVSUP P-485 and NAVSUP