necessary to maintain the prescribed average endurance
Replenishment of SIM items are determined when
expenditure transactions have been posted to the stock
records. SIM items are replenished when the on-hand
plus the on-order quantity is equal to or less than the low
limit. Non-SIM items are replenished on a one-for-one
replacement basis, depending on the availability of
funds. Replenishment of AVDLR is accomplished on a
one-for-one basis after a BCM action on the unservice-
able turn-in.
Automated activities can process stock replenish-
ment by using the automatic reorder function in the
computer system. This function can screen the stock
records and prepare MILSTRIP requisitions for each
deficient item.
Receiving and storage personnel submit completed
receipt documents to stock control. Stock control is
responsible for checking the receipt documents for
annotations and markings made by receiving or storage
personnel. The annotations made in the receipt
document determines the action required before
processing the receipt through the computer program.
Stock control personnel also must review receipt
documents for completeness of information. This
information includes the receipt signature, receipt date,
quantity circled, and suffix code (record position 44).
When processing receipts, compare receipt docu-
ment data with stock control data. The following are
some of the data that you should check:
Cognizance symbol
Stock number
Unit of issue
Unit price
Quantity requisitioned
Storage location
After comparing the data, receipts that are in
agreement can be processed by using local procedures.
In receipts, the stock number is the most common
data that is substituted from the original requisition.
Before posting these receipts, check the requisition file
for the supply status that contains information about the
substitute stock number. You can distinguish a new or
substitute stock number by status codes BG or BH,
respectively. If status data is not listed in the requisition
file, use other publications in the technical library to
ensure the substitute data is correct. In automated
activities, after posting the receipt, cross-reference
records for substitute stock numbers are created
automatically by the computer.
A suffix code in record position (rp) 44 of a
MILSTRIP format identifies partial receipts. When
posting partial receipts, be sure to include the suffix code
in the input.
The term receipt not from due means that the
document number of the material received is not in the
outstanding requisition file. This situation exists when
requisitions processed off-line are not recorded in the
requisition file, but remain outstanding in the supply
system. Other causes of unrecorded requisitions maybe
push items from the ICP to ships stock for which there
is no basic NSN file in the record. For whatever reason,
the material arrives and stock control must process the
Stock control gets a copy of the proof of issue
documents after the delivery of material to the customer.
These documents have been edited by the aviation stores
division (ASD) or supply support center (SSC) during
the initial submission of requisitions. Upon receipt of
the proof of issue documents, stock control posts the
transactions in the stock records. In automated
activities, the computer procedures allow automatic
processing of issue transactions in the stock records.
Transactions processed by ASD/SSC via NALCOMIS
interfaces with and automatically posts into SUADPS
tiles. For repairable items, automated activities post
issue transactions for aviation depot-level repairable
(AVDLR) items only after a BCM action by the IMA.
Activities may transfer material only upon receipt
of an authorized request from another ship or activity. A
requisition is the most common form of request for
transfer of material. Higher commands may direct
transfer of material by message, letter, or memorandum.
Stock control is responsible for processing material
transfer by using the applicable procedures. After
completing the transfer, shipping section personnel