forward the copy of the expenditure document to stock
control for posting to the stock records.
Change Notice Actions
Normally, SPCC sends change notice information
to other activities on magnetic tape. Stock control
receives and forwards the tape to the system coordinator
for processing in the computer update. Change notices
received by other means require manual processing by
stock control.
Financial Reports
The implementation of computers has virtually cut
the manual preparation of financial reports. When stock
control needs a report printed, stock control will submit
a request to the systems coordinator. The financial
manager reviews and makes corrections to the report, if
needed. Inmost cases, the printed report will require no
further action from stock control other than a signature
from the reporting officer.
Aviation Depot-Level Repairable
Repairable are components or subassemblies that
can be repaired for reuse. The term depot-level
repairable (DLR) refers to repairable for which the
condemnation decisions are made at the depot
maintenance level. The term aviation depot-level
repairable (AVDLR) refers to DLRs under the
management of the Aviation Supply Office. (Ships
Parts Control Center [SPCC] manages DLR for ships.)
An AVDLR item can be repaired at the intermediate
maintenance activity (IMA). The AVDLR items that are
processed as beyond capability of maintenance (BCM)
by the IMA must be shipped to the depot repair facility
for repair.
Stock control manages AVDLR and DLR items in
the supply department stock. The AKs processing these
items should be familiar with the procedures outlined in
NAVSUP P-485 and NAVSUP P-545. The following
paragraphs describe the AVDLR program.
COUNT. Material assigned with a 7 in the first digit
of the cognizance symbol identifies End-Use AVDLRs
afloat. An example of this cognizance symbol is the 7R.
SUADPS-RT activities hold these items in the End-Use
Store Account 55000. Only those SUADPS-RT
activities with a uniform system identification (USID)
code of C or M maintain End-Use Stores Account
55000. The supply officer owns the End-Use Stores
Account 55000. The supply officer uses the allotted
operations and maintenance funds apportioned by the
type commander to maintain the End-Use inventory.
Items assigned with a 7_ Cog are also known as
Navy Stock Account (NSA) depot-level repairable
(DLRs). The Defense Business Operating Fund
(DBOF) owned NSA DLRs are under the management
of ASO or SPCC and carried in stores account 51000.
Repairable items in Appropriation Purchase
Account (APA) are identified by an even number in the
first digit of the cognizance symbol. These items are
held in APA Stores Account 52000. Issue transactions
for APA items do not create a charge to the budget of the
fleet or other Navy users.
Items carried in the supply system are basically
grouped into the principal and secondary items.
Principal items generally stand alone and perform a
function. They are not financed by DBOF. Secondary
items, on the other hand, are used in or along with
principal items in performing their function. Secondary
items are grouped based on their repairability. Items that
are not considered economical to repair at the depot
maintenance level are grouped as consumables or
field-level repairable (FLR).
As new principal items are purchased for the Navy,
there is an interim period when logistics support for
secondary items applicable to the principal items are
provided by the contractor. These secondary items are
assigned with a 0 (zero) in the first position of the
cognizance symbol (for example, 0M, 0R) for the
interim support period. The 0_ Cog item will migrate to
a 1_/7_ Cog when the material support date (MSD) is
reached. The MSD is the date agreed upon when the ICP
will accept responsibility of the 0_ Cog item. Naval air
stations carry these items in the Stores Account 55000
(W or L purpose) during the interim period. Afloat
activities carry these items in the Statistical Stores
Account with APA items. The contractor issues interim
support items to users without charge.
REQUISITIONING. Requisitioning an NSA
DLR requires a financial obligation of End-Use finds.
However, re-AVCAL requisitions for activities under
End-Use procedures do not require financial
obligations. Drawdown requisitions for initial or
increased AVCAL allowances for 7_ Cog AVDLR are
chargeable to central outfitting funds held by the