will send a BK5 follow-up inquiry to the transshipper
instead of BK1 to the requisitioner. The ICP submits a
BK1 follow-up
5G, 5V, 56
5R, 5Y, 5S, 52
inquiry under the following time
45 days for N Service code
requisitions to ASO.
60 days for R or V Service code
requisitions to ASO.
90 days for all requisitions to SPCC.
45 days for N Service code
requisitions to ASO.
60 days for R or V Service code
requisitions to ASO.
90 days for all requisitions to SPCC.
Upon receipt of BK1 follow-up inquiry, the person
maintaining the carcass tracking record should conduct
the research. When conducting the research, check the
requisition and the status of the turn-in. The person
maintaining the carcass tracking record must submit a
BK2 response for each BK1 follow-up inquiry. Refer to
chapter 5 of NAVSUP P-485 or appendix P of NAVSUP
P-545 for the BK2 format. ASO must receive the BK2
response within 21 days of the follow-up date on the
BK1 document (rp 50-54) to avoid additional billing.
SPCC should receive BK2 responses within 50 days to
avoid additional billings. The BK2 document must
contain the applicable response code in record position
(rp) 47.NAVSUP P-485 and NAVSUP P-545 contain a
complete list of response codes. The following texts list
some examples of response codes.
Response code A means the shipment document
number used for the carcass is the same as the original
requisition number.
Response code B means the document number used
for shipping the carcass is different from the requisition
number. The turn-in document number is in rp 48-61.
Response code C means there will be no carcass
turn-in. The Advice code of the requisition should be
Response code D means there will be no carcass
turn-in. The Advice code of the requisition should be
The Carcass Tracking System also permits activities
to send an Advance BK2 document. Activities can send
an Advance BK2 to the ICP to negate processing of a
BK1. Activities should send an Advance BK2 for the
following situations:
l System cancellationsThe supply system
canceled the requisition, and the requisitioner turned in
the carcass on the original document number. Upon
submitting the reorder document, also submit an
Advance BK2 with Response code B (rp 47) and the
original document number in rp 48-61.
. Loss In Shipment-Submit an Advance BK2
with Response code J for nonreceipt of requisitioned
AVDLR. In this situation, the supply source shipped the
AVDLR, but the requisitioner did not receive it. Also,
the requisitioner already shipped the carcass turn-in on
the original document number. Use Response code J if
the carcass was turned in on the reorder document
number. In rp 27-40 of the Advance BK2, put the
document number that did not have a turn-in and put
Response code J in rp 47. In rp 48-61, put the document
number that has a turn-in. In this case, the reorder
document will always beat net price because there is an
exchange turn-in. The activity that did not receive the
material should submit the Report Of Discrepancy (SF
364). The activity should also prepare and submit a DD
Form 200 for the lost material
If the ICP considers the BK2 response as invalid,
the ICP will send a BKR document with a Rejection
code to the requisitioner. Record position 65 of the BKR
document will contain the Rejection reason code.
Chapter 5 of NAVSUP P-485 or appendix U of
NAVSUP P-545 provides a list of Rejection codes. Upon
receipt of the BKR with Rejection code, the
requisitioner should conduct a research and submit the
correct BK2 to the ICP. The BKR document received on
a transaction does not alter the time frame in generating
the BK3 from the ICP.
When the ICP has not received a BK2 response
within the allotted time frame, the ICP will process a
BK3 document. The BK3 document is an advance
notification of billing to the requisitioning activity. The
amount of the bill is the difference between the net and
standard price. NAVSUP P-485 and NAVSUP P-545
describe the format for the BK3 document. The BK3
document sent by the ICP will contain a Reason code