code must be WQ (awaiting parts) to release
documents from AWP.
Conversation code N648 is used to perform
transpose actions (AWP cannibalization) of repair parts
from an AWP component to another.
Conversation code N649 is used to update or
identify AWP location of a component.
Conversation code N680 displays information
concerning the status of a particular component and its
material requirement.
Other conversation codes used by AWP personnel
are N605, N607, N608, N609, N611, N612, N613,
N615, N668, N669, N670, N675, or N679. Refer to the
NALCOMIS Users Manual for detailed information
about these conversation codes.
Instances will occur where a repairable item, which
is beyond the capability of the local IMA, is shipped to
an off-station IMA for repair and return. The procedures
for the repair and return program are in two parts. It
consist of procedures for the shipping activity and the
receiving activity.
The shipping activity will process defective items
for repair and return as follows:
l SSU receives the defective item with a new MAF
(or facsimile) from the work center. The JCN and other
data on the MAF (or facsimile) must be the same as in
the original MAF.
NOTE: Jointly, AMSU and AWP will prepare the
new MAF (or facsimile).
. DCU removes the corresponding copy of the
MAF (or facsimile) from the induction return due file
and completes the Material Data block. The DCU will
forward the completed copy of the MAF (or facsimile)
to DSF for 3-M processing.
. Supply ships the defective item, new MAF (or
facsimile), copy of original MAF (or facsimile), and the
DD Form 1348-1 according to local procedures. Attach
all applicable records, log books, SRC, or other
associated documents with the item. Retain one copy of
DD Form 1348-1 for tracking the shipment.
The receiving activity uses local procedures in
processing receipts of items for repair and return. The
item should have with it the new MAF (or facsimile), a
copy of the original MAF (or facsimile), associated logs
and records, and DD Form 1348-1. The following
procedures for processing the items apply:
. ASD/SSC receives the items, new MAF (or
facsimile), copy of the original MAF (or facsimile),
associated logs and records, and DD Form 1348-1.
l ASD/SSC delivers the defective items and
associated documents to AMSU for induction. Files the
new MAF copy (or facsimile) in the induction return due
. After completion of the maintenance action, SSU
receives the item, a copy of the new MAF (or facsimile),
and associated documents from AMSU.
l DCU completes the MAF copy (or facsimile)
from the induction return due file and sends it to DSF
for 3-M processing.
l The supporting supply will ship the items, a copy
of the new MAF (or facsimile), associated documents,
and the DD Form 1348-1 according to local procedures.
The NALCOMIS activities use conversation code
N271 to induct items for inter-IMA repair. Upon return
of the component from the inter-IMA repair,
NALCOMIS activities use conversation code N641 to
process the item. All other conversation codes used for
processing the item during the repair cycle are the same
as AMSU and CCS use.
The ASD/SSC initiates customer service requests
(OPNAV 4790/36A) that are not initiated by IMA. The
IMA requests are limited to services not requiring repair
of repairable item. ASD/SSC will initiate a request if one
of the following conditions exists:
Outstanding NMCS/PMCS/work stoppage
requisitions exist.
The unserviceable item requires depot
Supply system asset status indicates
test or
that a
replacement is not now available.
ASD/SSC is responsible for the following:
. Preparing a funded OPNAV 4790/36A.
. Transporting material for customer service to and
from the depot via traceable means.