with the MAF copy (or facsimile) and associated
documents to the LRCA storage unit.
SSU processes RFI items for issue on requisitions
as follows:
If an outstanding requisition exists for the item, SSU
will receive the requisition from DCU. The SSU will
provide MDU with the RFI item, associated documents,
and DD Form 1348 (6 pt) pink and hardback copies.
There will be instances when the DD Form 1348(6
pt) white copy in the MA due file indicates that an RFI
item should be returned to LRCA storage. In this case,
SSU will process the item as follows:
. Attach the original copy of the DD Form 1348(6
pt) to the MAF copy. Forward the copies to the LRCA
storage location with the appropriate remarks for
affecting a receipt against the JCN on the MAF copy and
for issue against the JCN on the original copy of the DD
Form 1348 (6 pt).
. Mark or stamp the white copy of the DD Form
1348 (6 pt) RFI. Send the white copy of the DD Form
1348 (6 pt) to DCU for completion of the MAF copy (or
facsimile) in the induction return due file.
There will be instances when the white copy of the
DD Form 1348 (6 pt) indicates that the RFI item was
intended to be returned to A-purpose stock. In this case,
SSU will process the RFI item as follows:
. Notify DCU to process MAF copy (or facsimile)
with RECTYP 61.
. Mark or stamp the white copy of the DD Form
1348 (6 pt) in the IMA due file RFI. Attach the white
copy with the original copy of the DD Form 1348(6 pt),
used as the issue document. Send both copies to the
inventory control division to clear the due in from
maintenance (DIFM) file (if used) and post the issue.
The completed original copy of the DD Form 1348 (6
pt) will be forwarded to DSF for processing.
SSU processes non-RFI items as follows:
Upon receipt of a non-RFI item from AIMD, SSU
will process the item and associated documents as
. Match and verify the part number, serial number,
CAGE, and other data on the item with the MAF copy
(or facsimile).
. Determine the disposition by using the MRIL and
. If not provided from another source (automated
procedures), prepare a DD Form 1348-1 by using the
information from the white copy of the DD Form 1348
(6 pt). Assign a shipment document number as described
in previous paragraphs.
. Enter the JCN from each non-RFI item to be
shipped in blocks V and Y of the DD Form 1348-1.
. Mark or stamp the white copy of the DD Form
1348 (6 pt) DSP or dispose of, as applicable. Enter
the activity to which the item is to be sent, such as ATAC,
and enter the Julian date it is released for transportation.
Forward the completed white copy of the DD Form
1348 (6 pt) to DCU.
. Ensure the JCN on the MAF copy (or facsimile)
is legible.
. Ensure that a material condition tag (fig. 9-2) is
securely attached to the item. The Remarks block should
contain the Type Equipment code (TEC) and JCN.
. Insert the SRC, logs, records, and other
documents in a sealed plastic envelope separate from
the DD Form 1348-1, condition tag, and MAF copy (or
. Route the non-RFI item, MAF copy (or
facsimile), DD Form 1348-1, and associated documents
to the next point of action. This may be the packing
section, slipping section, or ATAC hub representative.
l Dispose of those items that are coded WW in the
MRIL to the nearest Defense Reutilization and
Marketing Office (DRMO). When material is
physically shipped or transferred to DRMO, furnish a
shipment status card (DI A53) according to DOD
4000.25-1-M, MILSTRIP.
SSU processes field-level repairable (FLR) as
Cognizance symbol 1R and material control code D
identify FLR items. These are repairable assemblies that
have an SM&R code that limits their restoration to
usable condition to I-level maintenance. Upon receipt
of a defective FLR, IMA will determine its repairability
and return it to RFI condition or declare it BCM. If the
item is BCM, SSU will arrange for disposition by using
the information in the MRIL. The SSU procedures for
processing FLR items are essentially the same as for
DLR with the following exception. Some FLR have an
assigned DOP (as indicated in the MRIL) and must be
shipped to the DOP or DSP when BCM action occurs.