a unit cost in excess of 0 maybe pre-expended with
the approval of the commanding officer. The SRS will
replenish the PEB as necessary.
Stock records require a quarterly review to ensure
that all items have sufficient usage for retention in the
PEB. You also should correct any mixing of
pre-expended items during the quarterly review. As a
minimum, purge and return to the supply department
any item that had no demand within the last 12 months.
Refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2 for list of items not
authorized for inclusion in the PEB.
In NALCOMIS activities where PEB processing is
implemented, supply personnel can use conversation
code N603 to submit requisitions for replenishments.
The user can also produce the pre-expended bin
requisition listing by using conversation code N603.
The PMU is responsible for processing and expediting
high-priority requirements, such as NMCS/PMCS,
broad arrow, work stoppage, and EXREP. The PMU
distributes daily status listings to supported activities.
The PMU also performs a continuous reconciliation of
outstanding requirements between supply and
maintenance activities.
the green copy of the DD Form 1348 from the pending
file and discards both the white and green copies.
If the EXREP or work stoppage part is beyond
capability of maintenance (BCM), PMU receives the
original, pink, and hardback copies of the DD Form
1348 (6 pt) from DCU. The PMU files them in the
outstanding requisition file. The PMU removes the
green copy of the DD Form 1348(6 pt) from the pending
file. The PMU forwards the green copy to the supporting
supply activity for financial obligation and initiates an
off-station requisition.
Upon receipt of the receipt document from the
receiving section, PMU must search the outstanding
requisition file for the oldest requisition with the highest
priority. If PMU does not find a requisition, PMU will
coordinate with DCU to determine the disposition of the
material. If PMU finds the requisition, PMU will notify
MDU to pick up the pink and hardback copies of the DD
Form 1348 (6 pt) from PMU and the material from
receiving and deliver it to the customer. Concurrently,
PMU will forward the original copy of the DD Form
1348 (6 pt) to DSF for RECTYP 60 processing.
The PMU processes NC/NIS requisitions for items
listed in the Consolidated Remain In Place List (CRIPL)
as follows:
The PMU processes NC/NIS requisitions for
The PMU receives the DD Form 1348 (6 pt), less
consumables as follows:
white copy, from RCU. The PMU passes the requisition
The PMU receives the DD Form 1348 (less yellow,
off station and forwards the green copy of the DD Form
white, and green copy) from RCU. Upon receipt of DD
1348 (6 pt) to the supporting supply for financial
Form 1348 (6 pt) copies marked NC/NIS, PMU passes
the requisition off station. The PMU files the requisition
Upon receipt of the material, PMU notifies MDU to
in the direct turnover (DTO) due file.
pick up the remaining copies of the DD Form 1348(6
Upon receipt of material, PMU will receive a copy
of the shipping document from the receiving section.
The PMU forwards the original DD Form 1348 to stock
control for RECTYP 60 processing. The PMU attaches
the pink and hardback copy of DD Form 1348(6 pt) to
the receipt document. The PMU forwards the
documents to MDU for pickup of material for delivery
to customer.
The PMU processes NC/NIS EXREP and work
stoppage requisitions for repairable parts as follows:
The PMU receives the green copy of DD Form 1348
(6 pt) as notification of EXREP or work stoppage. The
PMU files the green copy in the pending file.
If the EXREP or work stoppage is RFI, PMU
receives the white copy of DD Form 1348 (6 pt) from
the document control unit (DCU). The PMU removes
pt) from PMU. The MDU picks up the material from the
receiving section and delivers it to the customer.
In NALCOMIS requisition processing within SRS,
TRU will not see the requirement until after an issue has
been made, an EXREP turn-in notice has been
generated, an exception is processed, or a problem
occurs. If the requested item is available, NALCOMIS
will process the requisition and print a DD Form 1348-1
(issue document). The issue document will be printed
on the assigned printer, such as in the warehouse,
rotatable pod, or other areas. Upon receipt of the signed
proof of delivery (POD) copy from MDU, SRS
processes the transaction by using conversation codes
N613 and N615. If another unit is assigned to process
the issue transaction for repairable, they will process
the issues by using conversation code N615. If an
off-station requisition was processed as Receipt On
Board on conversation code N613 but not completed on