prepares appropriate documentation, maintains
appropriate files and registers, and provides status to the
customers. This unit also maintains the proof of delivery
(POD) file.
The requisition from the customer will include the
MILSTRIP and the following information:
. Organizational (ORG) code.
. Job control number (JCN).
l Type Equipment code (TEC).
. Bureau/serial number (BUNO), if applicable.
. Work Unit code (WUC). The WUC may be
omitted for RECTYP 64, 65, 66, or 67 issue. Requests
for consumable material that do not have a unique WUC
must indicate the WUC of the subsystem on which the
material is being installed.
. Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE)
code. This element will have the engine TEC in lieu of
the CAGE when requisitioning an aircraft engine.
Document Number.
Demand code.
Delivery point. (Used for intrastation only.)
Fund code, if applicable.
Project code.
Required delivery code, if applicable.
Advice code. This code is mandatory for
repairable items.
Upon receipt of the requisition, RCU logs the
information in the requisition register or log. Then, RCU
sends the requisition to the technical research unit
The following paragraphs describe manual
processing of the DD Form 1348 (6 pt).
If the requisition is for consumable material, RCU
will receive the green copy from TRU. The RCU files
the green copy in the suspense file.
RCU processes issue transactions as follows:
For consumable issue, RCU will receive
hardback copy from MDU. The RCU then makes
necessary entries in the requisition log, discards
green copy, and files the hardback in the proof of
delivery (POD) file.
For repairable issues, RCU receives the hardback
copy from the document control unit (DCU) for the
POD file. The RCU also makes the proper entries in the
requisition log.
The RCU processes not-carried (NC) or
not-in-stock (NIS) requisitions for consumable material
as follows:
The RCU receives and forwards requisitions
marked NC/NIS to the technical research unit for
substitutes or interchangeable. If the requisition is still
NC/NIS, RCU provides the status to the customer. The
RCU forwards NMCS, PMCS, and work stoppage
requisitions [less yellow, white, and green copies of DD
Form 1348 (6 pt)] to PMU. The RCU forwards indirect
support requisitions to the control division for referral
action. Upon receipt of the signed hardback copy, RCU
files it in the proof of delivery file (POD) and discards
the green copy from the suspense file.
The RCU processes NC/NIS requisitions for
repairable material as follows:
Upon receipt of the green copy marked NC/NIS
from the stock locator unit (SLU), RCU provides the
status to the customer. If the requisition is
NMCS/PMCS/work stoppage, RCU sends the green
copy to the programs management unit (PMU) and
notifies SLU of the EXREP or work stoppage status.
Then, RCU gives the yellow copy of the DD Form 1348
to the material delivery unit for pickup of retrograde.
The RCU processes NC/NIS requisitions for items
listed in the Consolidated Remain In Place List (CRIPL)
as follows:
Upon receipt of the DD Form 1348 (less white copy)
from SLU, RCU will provide the status to customer. The
RCU forwards the DD Form 1348 (less white copy) to
PMU for further processing.
The RCU acts upon unsatisfactory issues as
Upon receiving notification that material is ready
for pickup, RCU informs MDU to pickup the item. If
the item is in ready for issue (RFI) condition, MDU
routes the item to stock after checking the item with the
turn-in document. If the item is in an unserviceable
condition, MDU forwards the item to the component
control section (CCS). In turn, CCS prepares the MAF
(or other document) needed to induct the item to IMA.