maintenance needs by performing timely follow-up,
validation, and BCM actions.
The supporting DSF provides the AWP listing
weekly. The contents of the listing are basically the same
as the NMCS/PMCS listings.
There are occasions when the part, needed by
maintenance to fix a repairable item, is not available
locally. When this occurs, the repairable item is
considered to be in AWP status. Upon notification of the
requisition status, the maintenance work center
supervisor will prepare the item and documents for
transfer to AWP holding area. In all cases, even if
requisition status is not received, the AWP item will be
delivered to the AWP holding area within 24 hours from
the time a part is requisitioned by the work center. The
intent is to move all AWP items from the work center to
AWP holding area when local supply action is complete.
Aircraft engines and other large components may be
retained in the work center when movement to an AWP
holding area is impractical.
Before accepting the AWP item, ensure the work
center has completed the required data on the MAF (or
facsimile). The AWP unit personnel submit the
requisition to SRS and put the requisition date and serial
in the Failed/Required Material block of the MAF (or
In some occasions, AWP unit personnel may receive
a part that does not satisfy the intended maintenance
action. This occurs when wrong material was
received/ordered, material was improperly marked, or
non-RFI. When material received was determined to be
non-RFI after installation, requisition a replacement
item. If the item is a shop replaceable assembly (SRA),
use the original MAF (or facsimile). If the item is a
weapons replaceable assembly (WRA), use a new JCN.
The applicable work center prepares the MAF (or
facsimile) turn-in document by using When Discovered
code Y to accompany the non-RFI item.
When the repairable part received was determined
to be non-RFI but was not installed, prepare a DD Form
1348-1 as the turn-in document. Put enough information
in the Remarks block of the DD 1348-1 to permit the
supply department to submit a ROD, if required.
Reorder the material (if required) by using a new
document number. Put the original document number in
the Remarks block of the new requisition. In this case,
the original MAF (or facsimile) remains outstanding.
The AWP unit personnel must conduct the following
. Establish a location system for the AWP
components. A work unit code (WUC) system may be
the most efficient.
. Assign document serial numbers unique to AWP
l Move requisitions from one component to
another when cannibalization is authorized.
. Store repair parts received, associated docu-
ments, and hardware received from the work center with
the AWP item.
. Present AWP items for reinduction to IMA when
all required parts are received.
. Ensure that the VIDS/MAF (or facsimile)
contains the proper entries before receiving or
delivering the AWP item.
. Deliver all repair parts accompanying the
component to the proper work center.
The accuracy of AWP inventory requisition records
and outstanding requisitions must be maintained
through weekly reviews. A standard of no less than
98-percent accuracy is necessary for effective AWP
Record the results of each validation in terms of
overall accuracy for the following categories:
l One or more valid outstanding requisitions exists
for each AWP item. Submit requisition for noted
l A valid AWP component exists for each out-
standing requisition. Cancel requisitions to correct the
l The locator system reflects the same location as
the AWP item. Update records to correct errors.
To validate AWP items, use the MAF (or facsimile)
to validate with the AWP items in the holding area
location. Tag the validated items. Upon completion,
research those AWP items not tagged and perform
corrective actions. Also, validate all AWP items retained
in work centers during this time.
Use the MAF (or facsimile) to validate required
parts with the outstanding requisition file. Submit a
requisition for items listed in the Failed/Required
Material block of the MAF (or facsimile) with no
outstanding requisition on file. Cancel those requisitions
in the outstanding requisition tile that are not listed on