MENT SOURCES. The pretyped DD Form 1348 (6
pt) is the document used for getting material and
services from U.S. Government sources. However, it is
not used for aviation fuels and lubricants. A separate
document must be used for each item. The pilot will
request instructions from the squadron commanding
officer if the expected cost is more than ,500 and the
source of supply is not a Navy activity.
The following texts describe the pilots respon-
sibility in annotating the DD Form 1348 (6 pt).
. Print the pilots name, rank, and social security
number in data block B. Print the aircraft bureau number
in data blocks L-M.
. Ensure legibility of entries in the green and
hardback copies returned by the supply source.
. Upon return to home station, submit the green
and hardback copies to the MCC of the squadron or unit.
The issuing activity enters the following informa-
tion on the DD Form 1348 (6 pt).
In data block A, enter the service designator, UIC,
and name of the issuing activity.
In rp 4-6, enter the issuing activitys routing
identifier code (if assigned).
In rp 8-22, enter the NSN, NICN, or part number
In rp 23-24, enter the unit of issue.
In rp 25-29, enter the quantity issued.
In rp 36-39, enter the Julian date of the transaction.
In data blocks T-U, enter the unit price and the total
The issuing activity will return the green and
hardback copies of the DD Form 1348(6 pt) to the pilot.
The issuing activity retains the original and the
remaining copies.
After receiving the green and hardback copies, the
material control or unit supply officer is responsible for
the following:
. Review the documents for legibility and
. Ensure recording of the obligation in the
Requisition/OPTAR log.
. Ensure placement of the green copy in file 1 for
submission to DAO.
. Ensure placement of hardback copy in the
completed requisition fiee.
The pilot use the identaplates DD Form 1896 or
1897 for buying aviation fuel and lubricants from
government sources. When used, the issuing activity
will imprint the billing information on DD Form 1898.
DD Form 1898 is the AVFUELS INTO-PLANE
CONTRACT SALES SLIP. Air Force activities use the
After imprinting the DD Form 1898 or AF 1994, the
fuel operator will enter the quantity and unit price. The
operator then signs the space provided for the refuelers
signature. The operator obtains the name, grade, SSN,
and organization of the pilot, and provides the pilot a
copy of each issue slip. The operator forwards the
remaining copies of the issue slip to the issuing activitys
fiscal office.
After refueling/lubrication, the refueling operator
submits the issue slip to the pilot. Upon receipt of the
issue slip, the pilot is responsible for the following:
Sign the issue slip in the space provided for the
customers signature.
Print the pilots name, rank, SSN, and organiza-
tion in the space provided.
Ensure legibility of the imprinted and hand-
scribed entries.
Obtain a copy of the completed issue slip for
delivery to the operations officer.
Upon return of the aircraft from extended flight, the
operations officer is responsible for the following:
. Obtain and review copies of issue slips returned
by the pilot.
. Forward the issue slip to the material control or
unit supply officer.
Upon receipt of the issue slip from the operations
officer, the material control or unit supply officer is
responsible for the following:
. Review handscribed entries for legibility,
completeness, and accuracy.
. Ensure recording of obligation in requisition/
OPTAR log.
. Ensure placement of issue slip in Unmatched
Fuel Documents file until listed in Summary Filled
Order/Expenditure Difference Listing (SFOEDL).