. Visual Information Display System/Mainte-
nance Action Form (VIDS/MAF), OPNAV Form
Flight packets may include instructions for
processing aviation depot-level repairable (AVDLRs).
Also, it may include the applicable Daily, Preflight, and
Turn-around inspection MRC.
PRETYPED FORMS. The procurement
documents DD Form 1348(6 pt) and Standard Form 44
must have some information pretyped on them. This
allows faster processing and accurate accounting. The
following paragraphs describe pretyped information in
each data block or record position (rp) of the document.
The DD Form 1348 (6 pt) must contain the
following pretyped information:
In data block B, type the UIC and name of squadron
or unit to which the squadron is assigned. Be sure to
leave enough space to enter the pilots name, rank, and
social security number. See figure 8-1 for a sample
pretyped DD 1348 (6 pt).
In rp 1-3, type the document identifier A0A.
In rp 7, type O (zero).
In rp 30, type the applicable service designator code.
In rp 31-35, type the UIC of the squadron or unit to
which the aircraft is assigned.
In rp 40-43, type the requisition serial number.
In rp 44, type N.
In rp 45, type the service designator code if you use
UIC in rp 46-50, otherwise, leave this blank
In rp 46-50, type the UIC of the activity to be billed,
if other than the requisitioner. If not needed, leave this
In rp 51, type A. If rp 46-50 contains a UIC other
than the requisitioner, for billing, type B.
In rp 52-53, type the applicable fund code.
In data blocks L-M, type the aircraft type and bureau
In data blocks N-O, type the purpose for which the
DD Form 1348(6 pt) is to be used and the aircraft TEC.
NOTE: The activity furnishing the material will
complete data block A, rp 4-6, rp 8-29, and data blocks
R-V of DD Form 1348 (6 pt), shown in figure 8-1.
The Standard Form 44 must contain the following
pretyped information, as shown in figure 8-2 and table
Figure 8-1.-Pretyped DD Form 1348 (6 pt).