The following texts describes the responsibilities of
material control when receiving parts or material.
. Material control must receive material and issue
document from the material delivery unit of ASD.
. MCC representative must sign the issue
document as proof of receipt. The forms used as issue
document may be DD Form 1348 (6 pt), DD Form
1348-1, or DD Form 1348-1A. Chapter 4 of this manual
describes the other forms used as procurement
. The individual signing for the part must put the
date and time of the actual delivery on the issue
. MCC must distribute received parts/material to
the proper work center or area.
. MCC must obtain signature of the work center
personnel receiving the material for use as proof of
delivery. File the signed copy in the completed
requisition tile.
. MCC must turn in defective repairable (CRIPL
item) comment within 24 hours of receipt of the RFI
In some cases, material received from supply does
not satisfy intended maintenance actions. This condition
arises when wrong material was ordered or delivered or
material was improperly marked or determined to be not
ready for issue (NRFI). If material was not installed after
receipt, prepare a DD Form 1348-1 to return the item.
Use the NSN of the item being returned on the turn-in
document. Blocks V and Y of the document must
contain the original JCN and document number. Blocks
AA through CC must contain the reason for returning
the item. Blocks DD and EE must contain the part
number of the item being turned in. Return all associated
documents such as RFI tag and SRC with the item.
Notify ASD when material is ready for pickup.
If required, reorder material by using a new
document number and cite the original document
number in the remarks. For example, REORDER
FROM: 1234-G123. Use Advice Code 5G, if
applicable, for reordering AVDLR items.
A repairable item received from supply that was
found to be NRFI upon installation must be turned in on
a VIDS/MAF or facsimile. Use Y in the WHEN
DISCOVERED CODE block of the turn-in document.
Reorder replacement items by using a new document
Repairable items must be available for turn-in when
a replacement is requested. Repairable parts listed in the
CRIPL are authorized to remain in place. These
repairable parts are commonly known as CRIPL items.
The defective CRIPL item must be turned in within 24
hours after receipt of replacement item.
All defective repairable components must be
wrapped in cushioning material. Use cushioning
material that will provide protection during handling
and movement. Cellular plastic film (bubble wrap)
provides the necessary short-term protection from
handling and shock.
In an IMA, personnel handling printed circuit
assemblies or micro-components must be familiar with
the electrostatic discharge (ESD) program. Personnel
should consider the components as ESD-sensitive
during handling, packaging, repairing, and transporting.
NAVSUPINST 4030.46 provides guidance and
direction for the identification, handling, and protection
of ESD-sensitive components. NAVSUP P-484 details
the proper methods and material used in packaging
ESD-sensitive items.
Some defective material may be needed for an
engineering investigation (EI). Some maybe needed for
quality deficiency report (QDR). Turn in all defective
material for EI or QDR exhibits to ASD. ASD will hold
the material until receipt of disposition instructions. If
ASD does not receive disposition instruction within 30
days, ASD will request disposition instructions from the
CFA. Handle material for EI or QDR in an as is
condition. There should be no adjustments, disassembly,
or any type of cleaning to the material. Take special care
to cap or package material immediately upon removal
from the system, to prevent corrosion, contamination,
or other damage that may contribute to confusion during
the investigation. Refer to OPNAVINST4790.2 (series)
for more information about EI or QDR.
Unless authorized by higher authority, activities
may not hold spare RFI or NRFI repairable components.
All material and services requisitioned by an
activity ultimately cost the government money. Since
the requirements for these items begin in material
control, financial responsibility starts there as well.