Transaction Listings Received From DAO
The designated accounting offices (DAO) perform
the official accounting for OPTAR granted to ships,
aviation squadrons, and other commands. One part of
the accounting process for each OPTAR holder is
matching the obligations with the bills from supply
sources. This matching process results in the production
of listings that provide a report of transactions affecting
the OPTAR holders funds. Some of these listings are
submitted to the OPTAR holder for review and
processing. The OPTAR holder returns the completed
listing (or listing response sheet) to DAO to correct the
records. The annotated listing or response sheet will be
sent separately from the OPTAR Document Transmittal
Report (NAVCOMPT Form 2156), The following
paragraphs describes these transaction OPTAR holder
this listing to OPTAR holders. The Summary Filled
Order/Expenditure Difference Listing (SFOEDL) is
distributed monthly for the 1st through 24th report
months. Afterwards, it is distributed quarterly through
the 33rd report month. Each SFOEDL, sent by DAO,
will contain the results of the monthly reconciliation
since the last SFOEDL distributed to the OPTAR holder.
The transactions will be printed in document number
sequence for each OPTAR on both monthly and
quarterly transmittals of this report. OPTAR holders will
accept and post all differences in the SFOEDL to the
Requisition/OPTAR Log. After posting, the OPTAR
holder will review the listing and annotate transactions
considered invalid with the proper rejection code. DAO
will reverse valid rejections with a correction
transaction, and it will appear on a later SFOEDL. The
DAO performs research on differences of ,000 or
more before including it in the SFOEDL. Therefore,
consider these differences valid. You should carefully
investigate before assigning rejection codes to
transactions with differences of ,000 or more. Refer
to paragraph 4108-6 of NAVSO P-301 3-2 for the format
and processing procedures of SFOEDL.
sends Aged Unfilled Order Listing (AUOL) to OPTAR
holders for whom they perform accounting. AUOL is
produced and distributed MONTHLY for the 4th
through 15th report months, and then six times quarterly
from the 18th through the 33rd report month. The AUOL
lists unfilled orders (obligations) that are 3 or more
months old, held in DAO files. These unfilled orders
have not matched with expenditure documents and have
not been canceled. Once the document appears in
AUOL, 3 months will pass before it will appear again;
if it has not been deleted by matching with its related
expenditure or by cancellation. For example, a
requisition prepared in October will first appear in the
AUOL for January. October is the first OPTAR report
month, and January is the fourth OPTAR report month.
If the requisition remains unmatched for another 3
months, it will again appear in the AUOL for April. April
is the seventh OPTAR report month. These October
requisitions will appear in the AUOL every 3 months
until the OPTARs 33rd report month. The requisitions
will be continuously listed unless deleted by matching
a related expenditure listing or canceled. Refer to
paragraph 4108-3 of NAVSO P-3013-2 for AUOL
format and procedures. Activities must complete
reviewing and validating the AUOL within 20 days
following receipt. After processing, mail the AUOL or
Response Sheet to DAO. The annotated AUOL is no
longer included in the OPTAR Document Transmittal
This is an itemized listing of expenditure documents,
received by DAO, for material or services that have not
matched with an unfilled order. The typical ship or
aviation squadron does not receive this listing unless it
has a reimbursable OPTAR. DAO sends the Unmatched
Expenditure Listing quarterly. DAO sends it for report
months of December, March, June, and September over
the 36-month life cycle of the appropriation. Refer to
paragraph 4108-4 of NAVSO P-3013-2 for more
information about this listing.
The Visual Information Display System (VIDS) is
a management tool. It provides a visual display of all
information cm a continuing basis. In an O-level
maintenance activity, the system correlates aircraft
status, particularly NMCS, PMCS, and other
discrepancies, and assigns a relative importance to each
item. In IMAs, VIDS provides information, including
repair status, on components within a production area.
Operating Procedures
VIDS provides quick reference of component or
aircraft status. These status may be in work (IW),
awaiting maintenance (AWM), or awaiting parts
(AWP). VIDS allows the management level of
maintenance to review the overall situation and
determine the resources available. In doing so, the