BUNO when received. In some cases, an outstanding
requisition may exist for a replacement item. In this
case, include a statement that the item will be forwarded
upon receipt in column D of OPNAV 4790/112. When
the inventory control point has the requisition back
ordered, the transferring activity cancels the requisition.
The transferring activity will advise the accepting
activity. Also, the transferring activity furnishes
information and justification on OPNAV 4790/112 for
use in ordering replacement items.
The accepting activity may discover shortages, not
recorded in the AIR, during acceptance inventory. The
receiving organization is responsible for itemizing
shortages and submitting a list of such shortages. The
receiving organization must submit the list to the
transferring organization within 10 working days after
receipt of the aircraft. Within 15 days after receipt of
shortage information, the transferring organization is
responsible for the following:
. Furnish proof of turn-in document.
l Furnish shipping data indicating shortages are
. Provide other legitimate means of accounting for
listed items or property. If unable to locate missing
items, the transferring activity must send an explanatory
statement to the receiving activity. The statement must
be signed personally by the transferring activitys CO
indicating the authority for shortages; for example, a
completed DD Form 200.
Air shortages that persist for 90 days before transfer,
without proper authority in column D or column E of
OPNAV 4790/112, will be forwarded to NAVAIR for
This program provides a means to rapidly account
for all tools, thus reducing potential foreign object
damage (FOD). Also, it reduces tool losses that result in
reduced tool replacement cost.
The Commander, Naval Air Systems Command
(COMNAVAIRSYSCOM) is responsible for the
development of the Tool Control Plan (TCPL). NAVAIR
coordinates with the cognizant wing in developing
TCPL for new type/model
fleet. NAVAIR does this
aircraft introduced to the
through the Naval Air
Engineering Center (NAVAIRENGCEN). Other
responsibilities of NAVAIR include the following:
Submission of proposed TCPL and change
recommendations to ACC for approval.
Approval and issue of TCPL and changes to
Publishing list of approved TCPL via
The material control officer (MCO) is responsible
for coordinating the Tool Control Program (TCP). The
MCO also ensures that tools are ordered and issued in a
controlled manner consistent with the approved Tool
Control Plan (TCPL).
Tool Control Plan
The TCPL contains information that includes
material requirements, tool inventories, and detailed
instructions. Compliance with an approved TCPL is
mandatory for O-level maintenance activities. Request
for deviation, although not encouraged, is submitted to
the cognizant wing for approval. If applicable, submit
the request to the cognizant ACC/TYCOM designated
wing serving as the TCPL model manager for specific
T/M/S aircraft.
In the event a TCPL does not exist for specific
type/model aircraft, the reporting custodian develops
the TCPL. The reporting custodian can use other
published TCPL as guidance for developing a TCPL.
The reporting custodian submits the developed TCPL to
the cognizant wing for approval via the chain of
The AMMRL is an overall program that provides
the data required for effective management of support
equipments (SE). The AMMRL program is involved
with over 27,000 end items of aircraft maintenance SE.
These are items in the Individual Material Readiness
List (IMRL). Also, the program is involved with over
10,000 items of operational test program set (OTPS)
elements. These OTPS elements are the tailored
outfitting list (TOL) items. NAVAIRINST 13650.1
(series) defines the procedures for allowance and
inventory control for IMRL items. The objective of this
program is to document technical and cataloging data
and in-use information about the IMRL and TOL items.