The Support Equipment Resources Management
Information System is also known as SERMIS. It is a
collection of technical and catalog data that identities
SE end items required for O-, I-, and D-level aircraft
maintenance. SERMIS provides SECA with on-line
visibility of source, allowance, inventory, and rework
The Local Asset Management System (LAMS) is a
management information system. It uses existing
computers to provide standardized SE asset control
within the activity. LAMS provides standardized
inventory control for naval aviation IMRL SE. It also
allows real-time tracking of an activitys assets.
An IMRL is constructed for all Navy and Marine
aviation maintenance activities by extracting applicable
portions of the SERMIS. The on-hand quantity listed in
the IMRL is based on reports of IMRL item transactions
and physical inventories. The format and content of
IMRL are in five sections, with a monthly cumulative
supplement. These sections are employment data,
change list, index, main body, and the activitys
inventory record, Each monthly SERIS source data
update produces the cumulative supplement. The
supplement provides a cumulative list of changes to the
IMRL of an activity. Only the items appearomg on the list
require review. All other items on the basic IMRL
remain the same. Changes will remain in the cumulative
supplement until the next IMRL printing. The next
IMRL printing will include the changes listed in the
supplement in the change list section. After IMRL
printing, the cumulative supplement cycle starts again.
In the first cumulative supplement after an IMRL
printing, an asterisk will appear in the first column for
each item listed. The asterisk for the second an
subsequent listing differentiate the changes that
occurred in the current month.
Upon receipt of the current cumulative supplement,
check for new items listed. If new items are required but
not on hand, do the following.
Order items with even number cognizance
Order, or include in the next budget, items with
odd number cognizance symbols-and non-NSN
Use existing instructions for submitting an IMRL
revision request or requesting disposition instructions.
Submit an IMRL revision for added items that were
determined as not required to perform the mission. Also,
submit an IMRL revision for deleted items that are
required to perform the mission.
The maintenance department has an IMRL manager
designated. The IMRL manager is responsible to the
material control officer for the maintenance of the
IMRL. The IMRL manager is responsible for the
l Submitting transaction reports of all reportable
transactions to the SECA. These transactions are receipt
of new items, transfer of items on hand, surveys, or
changes in on-hand quantities. The reportable SE listed
in the IMRL will be on hand, on order, or certified as
not required for mission support by submission of a
revision request.
l Conducting an annual physical inventory, and
submitting inventory report to SECA via the chain of
l Ensuring that IMRL revisions requests are
submitted for all required changes. The IMRL Revision
Request, NAVAIR 13650/1, is available in the supply
l Submitting letter requests, via the chain of
command, for disposition instructions of excess SE.
l Submitting DD Form 200 for survey.
l Maintaining custody records for on-hand assets.
All items listed in the IMRL with report code R are
subject to transaction reporting. Report IMRL
transactions at the time they occur. IMRL activities use
the SE Transaction Report, OPNAV 4790/64, for
reporting IMRL transactions. Refer to OPNAVINST
4790.2 (series) for information on how to complete
OPNAV 4790/64.
The AK working in material control must know the
publications used in the supply system. OPNAVINST
4790.2 (series) and chapter 3 of this training manual will
provide a list of these publications.
The term survey refers to the procedures required
for lost damaged, or destroyed Navy property, material,
or equipment. The purpose of survey is to determine
responsibility for lost, damaged, or destroyed property.
The form used for this procedure is the Financial
Liability Investigation of Property Loss (DD Form 200).
NAVSUP P-485 and chapter 7 of this training manual
provide procedures for completing DD Form 200. Refer
to these references for additional information about