stud assembly. See figure 2-9. The receptacle is analuminum alloy forging mounted in a stamped sheetmetal base. The receptacle assembly is riveted to theaccess door frame, which is attached to the structureof the aircraft. The grommet is a sheet metal ring heldin the access panel with the retaining ring. Grommetsare furnished in two types: the flush type and theprotruding type. Besides serving as a grommet for thehole in the access panel, it also holds the studassembly. The stud assembly consists of a stud, across pin, a spring, and a spring cup. The assembly isdesigned so it can be quickly inserted into thegrommet by compressing the spring. Once installedin the grommet, the stud assembly cannot be removedunless the spring is again compressed.The Camloc high-stress panel fastener, shown infigure 2-10, is a high-strength, quick-release rotaryfastener, and may be used on flat or curved inside oroutside panels. The fastener may have either a flushor protruding stud. The studs are held in the panelwith flat or cone-shaped washers—the latter beingused with flush fasteners in dimpled holes. Thisfastener may be distinguished from screws by thedeep No. 2 Phillips recess in the stud head and by thebushing in which the stud is installed.A threaded insert in the receptacle provides anadjustable locking device. As the stud is inserted andturned counterclockwise one-half turn or more, itscrews out the insert to permit the stud key to engagethe insert cam when turned clockwise. Rotating theFigure 2-9.—Camloc 4002 series fastener.2-6
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