Figure 1-30.—Cutaway of Barcol tester.Figure 1-30 is a cutaway drawing of the tester,showing the internal parts and their general arrangementwithin the case.The lower plunger guide and point are accuratelyground so that attention need be given only to the properposition of the lower plunger guide within the frame toobtain accurate operation when a point is replaced.The frame, into which the lower plunger guide andspring-tensioned plunger are screwed, holds the point inthe proper position. Adjustment of the plunger upperguide nut, which regulates the spring tension, is madewhen the instrument is calibrated at the factory.CAUTIONThe position of this nut should not bechanged. Any adjustment made to theplunger upper guide nut will void thecalibrated settings made at the factory.The leg is set for testing surfaces that permit thelower plunger guide and the leg plate to be on the sameplane. For testing rivets or other raised objects, a blockmay be placed under the leg plate to raise it to the sameplane. For permanent testing of this type, the leg mayberemoved and washers inserted, as shown in the drawing.The point should always be perpendicular to the surfacebeing tested.The design of the Barcol tester is such that operatingexperience is not necessary. It is only necessary to exerta light pressure against the instrument to drive thespring-loaded indenter into the material to be tested. TheTable 1-5.—Typical Barcol Readings for Aluminum AlloysAlloy and temperBarcol number1100-0353003-0423003 -1/2H562024-0605052-0625052-1/2H756061-T782024-T85hardness reading is instantly indicated on the dial.Several typical reading for aluminum alloys are listed intable 1-5. The harder the material, the higher the Barcolnumber.To prevent damage to the point, avoid sliding orscraping when it is in contact with the material beingtested. If the point should become damaged, it must bereplaced with a new one. No attempt should be made togrind the point.Each tester is supplied with a test disc for checkingthe condition of the point. To check the condition of thepoint, press the instrument down on the test disc. Whenthe downward pressure brings the end of the lowerplunger guide against the surface of the disc, theindicator reading should be within the range shown onthe test disc.To replace the point, remove the two screws thathold the halves of the case together. Lift out the frame,remove the spring sleeve, loosen the locknut, andunscrew the lower plunger guide, holding the pointupward so that the spring and plunger will not fall outof place. Insert the new point and replace the lowerplunger guide, screwing it back into the frame, Adjustthe lower plunger guide with the wrench that isfurnished until the indicator reading and the test discaverage number are identical. After the lower plungerguide is properly set, tighten the locknut to keep thelower plunger guide in place, This adjustment should bemade only after installing anew point; any readjustmenton a worn or damaged point give erroneous readings.1-40
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