Figure 15-28.Mixing head for injector-type welding torch.
Figure 15-29.Equal pressure welding torch.
handle are made of seamless hard brass, copper-nickel
to draw in the required amount of acetylene. This is
alloy, stainless steel, or other noncorrosive metals of
accomplished by the design of the mixer in the torch,
adequate strength.
which operates on the injector principle. The welding
There are two types of welding torchesthe
tips may or may not have separate injectors designed
low-pressure or injector type and the equal-pressure
integrally with each tip.
type. In the low-pressure or injector type (fig. 15-28),
The equal pressure torch (fig. 15-29) is designed to
the acetylene pressure is less than 1 psi. A jet of
operate with equal pressures for
high-pressure oxygen is used to produce a suction effect
acetylene. The pressure ranges from
the oxygen and
1 to 15 psi. This