The width of all letters and numbers is measured
across the greatest distance from the outermost points
of the letters or numbers. The width of the letters and
numbers is calculated according to a percentage of the
height by the number of blocks the figure represents.
In other words, to obtain the percentage of the height,
divide the width of the figure by the height.
1. The letter N is 6 blocks high, as are all the
figures, and 4.5 blocks wide; therefore, the width of
the letter should be 75 percent of the height
(4.5/6 = 75%).
2. The letter A is 5.5 blocks wide, therefore, the
width should be 92 percent of the height
(5.5/6 = 92%).
3. The letter W is 6.5 wide; therefore, the width
should be 108 percent of the height (6.5/6 = 108%).
The sides of some letters and numerals should be
made to include an angle of 30 degrees with the tops
or bottoms, as shown in figure 14-31. The space
between the letters and numerals is constant. It is
always one-sixth of the height of the letter or numeral.
This distance is always measured from the point on
each of the letters or numerals that is nearest the other.
National Insignia
The national insignia consists of a white,
five-pointed star inside a blue circumscribed circle. A
white rectangle, one radius of the blue circle in length
and one-half the radius of the blue circle in width, is
located on each side of the star. The top edges of the
rectangle form a straight line with the top edges of the
horizontal two-star points beneath the top start point.
A red horizontal stripe one-sixth of the radius of the
star is centered in the white rectangles at each end of
the insignia. A blue border, one-eighth the radius of
the blue circle in width, outlines the entire design.
When the insignia is applied on a sea blue, dark blue,
or black background, the blue circle and border may
be omitted. The inside edge of each interior rectangle
is concave and has the same arc as the inside blue
circle. The inside edge of each outer rectangle should
not be depicted. See figure 14-32. You may refer to
MIL-STD-216 1(AS) for more information on the
national insignia.
Tactical Paint Schemes
Tactical paint schemes are used for deception, for
reduction of detection range, or to confuse and
mislead observers. Tactical paint scheme patterns are
applied to an aircraft to lessen the probability of
visual or photographic detection. This applies to an
aircraft that is in flight or on the ground. The patterns
are based on optical principles and use nonreflective
colors, color configurations, and color proportions.
Arbitrary applications of markings and color schemes
will reduce the effect of tactical paint schemes and
should not be used. All tactical paint schemes should
comply with Paint Schemes and Exterior Markings
for U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Aircraft,
MIL- STD-2161(AS), and Finishes, Organic,
Weapons Systems, MIL-F-18264D(AS).
paint schemes are usually comprised of either two or
three shades of gray or blue.
The standard material for the tactical paint
scheme coating system and common insignia and
marking application is lusterless MIL-C-83286
aliphatic polyurethane. Decals may be used instead
of paint for insignia and markings provided they are
made of a nonreflective material and meet the gloss
requirements of the coating system. Decals should
not be used to apply large markings, such as the
national insignia.
The use of MIL-C-83286 is not
required to apply aircraft unit markings.
The equipment and techniques used to paint
aircraft are covered in this section.
You will
frequently use and maintain spray guns, air
compressors, and regulators. Therefore, the material
in this section should be important to you.
Spray Guns
The spray gun atomizes the material to be
sprayed. You direct and control the spray pattern by
manipulating and adjusting the spray gun. Spray guns
are usually classed as either suction feed or pressure
feed. The types are divided by two methods-the
type of container used to hold the paint material and
the method in which the paint is drawn through the air
cap assembly.