Figure 12-17.-Main gear recoil strut piston.
Remove all attached fairings and door connecting
rods. Disconnect and cap the hydraulic brake lines and
To remove a strut assembly, first jack the aircraft
fittings. Disconnect electrical connections at the cannon
according to instructions furnished in the applicable
plugs, and remove wiring from clamps as necessary.
MIM. To reduce the weight and allow for easier
Retain all removed hardware in a cloth bag.
handling, remove the wheel (with tire and brake
Disconnect the drag brace by partially pulling the
upper torque arm pin. After disconnecting the drag
brace, reinstall the pin and nut to retain the torque arm.
The side brace is generally removed with the strut
assembly. It should be disconnected at its upper end by
removing the nut and pin. After the side brace is
disconnected, reinstall the pin.
If equipped with a shrink rod, disconnect the shrink
rod from the strut, not from the aircraft. This is
accomplished by removing the rod fitting bolt at the
bottom of the rod. When the shrink rod is disconnected,
the nut and bolt should be reinstalled in the fitting for
Before removing a wheel assembly from an
aircraft deflate the tire completely. To ensure
positive removal of all pressure from the tire
you should remove the valve core and attach
a deflated tire tag to the valve stem after
deflating the tire.