Figure 15-44.—Typical water-cooled GTA welding torch.Welding EquipmentGas tungsten-arc welding equipment is produced bymany manufacturers. For this reason, it is very importantto remember that the equipment being discussed in thischapter is only one of the many types that can be foundthroughout the Navy. However, the functions of similarcomponent parts of different makes of machines areidentical, although they may not appear to be so.TORCHES.-–Manually operated torches areconstructed to conduct both the welding current and theinert gas to the weld zone. These torches are either airor water cooled. Air-cooled torches are designed forwelding light gauge materials where low current valuesare used. Water-cooled torches (fig. 15-44) arerecommended when the welding requires amperagesover 200 amps. A circulating stream of water flowsaround the torch to keep it from overheating. Thetungsten electrode, which supplies the welding current,is held rigidly in the torch by means of a collet thatscrews into the body of the torch. A variety of colletsizes are available so different diameter electrodes canbe used. Gas is fed to the weld zone through a nozzle,which consists of a ceramic cup. Gas cups are threadedinto the torch head to provide directional anddistributional control of the shielding gas. The cups areinterchangeable to accommodate a variety of gas flowrates. Gas cups vary in size. The size you should usedepends upon the type and size of torch and the diameterof the electrode.Pressing a control switch on the torch starts the flowof both the current and gas. On some equipment, theflow of current and gas is energized by a foot control.The advantage of the foot control is that the variablecurrent flow can be used as the end of the weld isreached. By gradually decreasing the current, it is lesslikely for a cavity to remain in the end of the weld puddleand less danger of cutting short the shielding gas.ELECTRODES.—Pure tungsten, or tungstenalloyed with thorium or zirconium, is the best electrodefor gas tungsten-arc welding. The addition of thoriumincreases the current capacity and electron emission,keeps the tip cooler at a given level of current, minimizesmovement of the are around the electrode tip, permitseasier arc starting, and the electrode is not as easilycontaminated by accidental contact with the work piece.The diameter of the electrode selected for a weldingoperation is governed by the welding current to be used.Larger diameter tungsten electrodes are required withreversed polarity than with straight polarity.To produce good welds, the tungsten electrode mustbe shaped correctly. The general practice is to use apointed electrode with dc welding, and a spherical endwith ac welding. It is also important that the electrodebe straight, otherwise the gas flow will be off-centerfrom the arc.SHIELDING GASES.—Shielding gas for gastungsten-arc welding can be argon, helium, or a mixtureof argon and helium. Argon is the most popularshielding gas used in the gas tungsten-arc process.15-32
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