Table 3-2.Troubleshooting Wheel Brake System
Probable Cause
Isolation Procedure
Brake accumulator does not become charged
Brake accumulator charge pressure
Check that pressure gauge reads
Charge brake accumulator.
800 psi.
Pressure gauge
Replace pressure gauge with one
If trouble is corrected, discard
known to operate properly. (Refer
defective gauge.
to WP084 00.)
Brake selector-valve rigging
Check selector-valve rigging.
Rig selector valve.
(Refer to WP082 00.)
Brake accumulator
Replace accumulator with one
known to operate properly. (Refer
to WP083 00.)
Brake cycles gauge
Replace gauge with one known to
operate properly. (Refer to
WP086 00.)
Thermal relief valve
Replace relief valve with one
known to operate properly. (Refer
to WP087 00.)
installation. Installation diagrams show general
each aircraft generally provides troubleshooting aids
location, function, and appearance of parts and
assemblies. On some installation diagrams, letters on the
principal view refer to a detailed view located elsewhere
on the diagram. Each detailed view is an enlarged
drawing of a portion of the system identifying each of
the principal components for purposes of clarification.
Diagrams of this type are invaluable to maintenance
personnel in identifying and locating components.
Installation diagrams will aid you in understanding the
principle of operation of complicated systems.
Learning Objective: Recognize the definition of
troubleshooting, and identifiy the seven steps in
the troubleshooting procedures.
Troubleshooting/trouble analysis may prove to be
the most challenging part of system maintenance.
Troubleshooting is the logical or deductive reasoning
procedure used when you are determining what unit is
causing a particular system malfunction. The MIM for
that encompass seven steps. The steps are conduct a
visual inspection, conduct an operational check, classify
the trouble, isolate the trouble, locate the trouble, correct
the trouble, and conduct a final operational check. The
various MIMs provide a variety of troubleshooting aids.
Table 3-1 shows a representative troubleshooting
table. The troubles in this table are numbered to
correspond with the step of the operational check
procedures where the trouble will become apparent.
Other MIMs use trouble analysis sheets to pursue a
trouble to a satisfactory solution by the process of
elimination. The symptom is defined in tabular form
with a remedy for each symptom. An example of trouble
analysis sheets is shown in tables 3-2 and 3-3. The sheets
used with the checkout procedures relate to checkout
procedures by direct reference or to discrepancies
occurring in flight or during ground operations. Each
table provides a remedy for each symptom.
When the remedy is as simple as replacing a
component or making an adjustment, this fact is so
stated. When the remedy requires further analysis, the
entry in the REMEDY column will be a reference to an
applicable paragraph, figure, or possibly another
manual. See tables 3-1 and 3-2.