Figure 3-10.A typical multimeter.
accordance with the applicable aircraft MIM.
Mechanical discrepancies are usually located during the
visual inspection in step 1.
Electrical malfunctions are located, with the
assistance of AEs, by tracing electrical power require-
ments throughout the affected system.
6. Correct the trouble. This step is accomplished
only after the trouble has been definitely located and
there is no doubt that your diagnosis is correct. Mal-
functions are usually corrected by replacement of units
or components, rigging and adjustments, and bleeding
and servicing.
NOTE: Always check the applicable MIM for
concerning maintenance procedures.
7. Conduct a final operational check. The affected
system must be actuated a minimum of five times, or
until a thorough check has been made to determine that
its operation and adjustments are satisfactory.
Aircraft systems tests and operational checks
should be performed under conditions as nearly
operational as possible. Such tests or checks should be
performed in accordance with the instructions outlined
in the applicable MIM. Make the operational checks in
the sequence outlined in the MIM. Any discrepancies
you find when performing a step should be corrected
before proceeding. The operational check and the
troubleshooting charts have been coordinated so that
malfunctions can be isolated in an efficient manner. If
the troubleshooting aids do not list the trouble being
experienced, you will have to study the system
schematics and perform the operational check. Use logic
and common sense in pinpointing the cause of the
malfunction. The test stand to be used in performing the
operational check must be capable of producing the
required flow and pressure required for proper
operation. Check all electrical switches and circuit
breakers, as well as hydraulic selector valves, for proper
position. Perform this check before applying external
electrical and hydraulic power. Perform all maintenance
in accordance with the MIM. Observe all maintenance