Figure 3-12.Torque wrenches.
technical manual, these values take precedence over the
standard torque values provided in the Structural
Hardware Technical Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-8.
Separate torque tables and torquing considerations
are provided in NAVAIR 01-1A-8 for the large variety
of nuts, bolts, and screws used in aircraft construction.
You should use this manual when specific torque values
are not provided as a part of the removal/replacement
To obtain values in foot-pounds, divide inch-pound
values by 12. Do not lubricate nuts or bolts except for
instructed to do so,
first if possible. When space considerations make it
necessary to tighten the fastener by rotating the bolt
head, approach the high side of the indicated torque
range. Do not exceed the maximum allowable torque
value. Maximum torque ranges should be used only
when materials and surfaces being joined are of
sufficient thickness, area, and strength to resist
breaking, warping, or other damage.
For corrosion-resisting steel nuts, use the torque
values given for shear-type nuts. The use of any type of
drive-end extension on a torque wrench changes the dial
steel parts or where specifically
reading required to obtain the actual values indicated in
Always tighten by rotating the nut
the torque range tables. See figure 3-12.