Figure 3-20.—Wire rope slings.NAVAIR 01-1B-50 for aircraft where this procedure isnot required or desired.Tow the aircraft onto the scales. Do not apply theaircraft’s brakes, because they may bind the scales; thiswould require rezeroing of the scales. Recheck theaircraft level. Read the scales and make dimensionalmeasurements per Chart E instructions and NAVAIR01-1B-50.Make the applicable DD Form 365-2 entries andverify the weighing results. If a large discrepancy isnoted, check to see where the error could have occurred.If the source of the error is not found, reweigh aircraftby removing and replacing the aircraft on the scales.Remove the aircraft from the scales. If the scale doesnot return to zero after 10 minutes, reweigh the aircraft.Be sure that the brakes are not used or applied.Determine the tare per the appropriate scale instructions.Tare is the weight of equipment necessary for weighingthe aircraft. Tare includes items such as shocks, blocks,slings, and jacks. These items are included in the scalereading, but are not part of the aircraft weight. Tare mayalso include a scale correction factor. A scale correctionfactor is used to modify scale readings because ofinherent inaccuracies of the scale. If the scale correctionfactor is larger than the scale calibrated accuracy, thescale should be repaired. Enter the tare on the AircraftWeighing Record, DD Form 365-2. Stow theequipment.All aircraft must be weighed and balanced uponcompletion of standard depot-level maintenance(SDLM). Aircraft should also be weighed and balancedunder the following conditions:1. When service changes, modifications, or repairsare accomplished and calculated, or actual weight andmoment data for these changes are not available2. When recorded weight and balance data issuspected of being in error3-32
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