controlled by the electronic sequencer, which uses
altitude and airspeed information to select the
correct mode of operation.
Each ejection seat, as installed in the aircraft,
consists of five main assemblies. Each assembly
is briefly described in the following paragraphs:
(See figure 5-2.)
1. The catapult assembly is the means by
which the ejection seat is secured to the aircraft
structure during normal flight, and provides the
initial force necessary to eject the seat from the
aircraft during emergency conditions. The catapult
assembly includes the barrel, ballistic latches, the
piston, and the catapult manifold valve.
2. The main beams assembly includes the
top and bottom crossbeams, top latch assembly,
shoulder harness control handle, parachute
deployment rocket motor, electronic sequencer,
barostatic release unit, drogue deployment
catapult, two multipurpose initiators, time-delay
mechanism, two pitot assemblies, two ballistic
manifolds, and two thermal batteries.
3. The seat bucket assembly includes the
underseat rocket motor, lateral thrust motor,
ejection control handle, safe/armed handle, leg
restraint snubbers, emergency restraint release
handle, shoulder harness control lever, seat height
actuator switch, pin puller, and lower harness
release mechanism.
4. The parachute assembly includes the
parachute container and parachute canopy and
5. The seat survival kit assembly includes the
lid assembly, emergency oxygen system, radio
locator beacon, and rucksack assembly.
Catapult Assembly
The catapult assembly (figs. 5-3 and 5-4)
secures the ejection seat to the aircraft structure
Figure 5-2.-Forward ejection seat main assemblies.