aft to rotate the actuating mechanism bell crank(s)
that fires the initiator(s).
ANISM. The actuating mechanism is located
between the guide rails, and is attached to the
upper section of each canted bulkhead, behind
each crew members seat. The actuating mechan-
ism for the forward seats have dual bell cranks
(striker plates) and clevises to actuate the two M99
initiators installed on each side of the actuating
mechanism. Since each aft seat requires one M99
initiator for the ejection sequence, the actuating
mechanism is a single bell crank and clevis
arrangement. During the seat ejection sequence,
the seat-mounted firing rods are moved aft to
rotate the actuating mechanism bell crank(s) and
clevis(es) to fire the M99 initiator(s).
Refer to figure 6-6 while reading the follow-
ing text.
M53 INITIATOR. There are thirteen M53
initiators installed in aircraft-attached ejection seat
plumbing. Eleven of the M53 initiators are
installed between the guide rails, and two initiators
are installed at flight station (FS) 263 (one each
at the INCOS tray thruster location). Each pilot
and copilot location has four M53 initiators; the
TACCO location has one; and the SENSO station
has two. The M53 initiator is a cartridge-actuated,
gas-producing device triggered by gas pressure
from a remote source. The M53 initiator consists
of a constant-volume cylinder with a tube
connection at one end and a gas-operated firing
mechanism and cartridge. In the ejection seat
sequence, gas pressure from the M99 initiator(s)
actuates the M53 initiators. M53 initiators
characteristically serve as line-boosters in the
ejection seat system to counteract rapid pressure
decay caused by tubing length.
DELAY INITIATOR. Seven 0.3-second delay
initiators are installed between the guide rails.
Two 0.3-second delay initiators are installed at the
pilots, the copilots, and the SENSO station; and
one is installed at the TACCO station. At the
pilots and copilots stations, an Mk 11 MOD 0
initiator is installed on the 0.3-second delay
initiator. The 0.3-second delay initiator is a
pressure-actuated device with a conventional
firing piston secured in the cocked position by a
shear pin. In the ejection sequence, the 0.3-second
delay initiators are used as time delays in the
inertia reel shoulder harness retraction, in the
INCOS trays retraction, and in the group or solo
ejection sequencing of crew members in the
firing of the rocket catapult(s).
MOD 0 initiator is installed below the floor line
directly under the rocket catapult at the pilot and
copilot seat locations. Each MK 11 MOD 0
initiator is installed on the 0.3-second delay
initiator, and both fire into the rocket catapult.
The MK 11 MOD 0 initiator is a cartridge-
actuated device triggered by gas pressure from a
remote source. In the ejection sequence, the MK
11 MOD 0 initiators are used as time delays in
the group-ejection (all seats) mode to allow the
two aft seats to eject 0.5 second before the front
seats to permit proper spacing of personnel for
safe parachute deployment and landing.
Most plumbing for the aircraft-attached ejection
seat components is flexible hose-type plumbing
located between the guide rails. There are a
minimum of lines between the forward and aft
seats and the INCOS tray thrusters. There are
twenty check valves installed in aircraft-attached
ejection seat components; all are located between
the guide rails. In the ejection sequence, the check
valves allow the correct group or solo-ejection
selection to occur.
TACCO and SENSO locations, a thruster is
installed to retract the respective INCOS trays
during the seat ejection sequence. The thruster is
a pressure/percussion device that employs sear
pins, firing pins, and primers to ignite the main
charge. In the ejection sequence, the INCOS tray
is retracted at the same time that the inertia reel
shoulder harness retraction occurs.
selector valve is installed on each inboard guide
rail in the flight station. The selector valve
consists of a beam assembly with a switch and
handle and the valve body. The selector valve
routes high-pressure gas from the M99 initiators
to the aircraft sequencing system, depending on
the selected position (GROUP EJECT or SELF
EJECT) of the selector valve. When the pilots
or copilots selector valve handle is in the down
or GROUP EJECT position, an electrical ground
is completed, which causes the GROUP EJECT
indicators to come on at the SENSO and
TACCO instrument panels. When either selector
valve handle is in the up or SELF EJECT position
and the aircraft altitude is less than 15,000 feet,
the altitude sensor switch cause the indicator