rocket around the pitch axis, which changes the
thrust/cg relationship and applies a correcting
LAY INITIATOR. The 0.3-second initiator is
located on the rear right side of the seat above
YAW THRUSTER. To achieve safe separa-
the harness release actuator. The 0.3-second
tion of multicrew seat trajectories, a yaw thruster
initiator is a pressure-actuated device with a
conventional firing piston secured in the cocked
is used on each seat to provide a controlled,
lateral-angle dispersion from the aircrafts
position by a shear pin. Gas pressure from the
direction of flight. Two types of yaw thrusters are
rocket catapult actuates the initiator, which fires
into the inlet port of the harness release actuator.
used on the forward and aft seats, with location
always on the inboard side of each seat. A low
yaw thruster, producing approximately a 10.4
pound-second impulse for 0.1 second, is installed
on each forward seat, and a high yaw thruster,
producing approximately a 21.0 pound-second
impulse for 0.1 second, is installed on each aft
seat. The yaw thruster is ignited by high-pressure
gas ported from the top of the rocket catapult.
To provide proper yaw rotational impulse for
each seat installation, the yaw thruster is mounted
to provide a predetermined moment arm about
the center of gravity of the seat/crew member
system. The mounting bracket for each thruster
incorporates a boss that, when combined with a
fixed stop permanently mounted on each guide
rail, will prevent incorrect installation. The right
and left seats are yawed to produce changes in
the trajectory paths. Each of the four crew
member seats will be separated from the others
at parachute full-open condition under nominal
lateral center-of-gravity conditions.
YAW VANE. To assist in providing the
proper yaw rotation at higher airspeeds, an
aerodynamic yaw vane is installed on the out-
actuator is mounted on the rear right side of the
seat. The actuator contains a piston and rod that
are actuated by a 0.3-second delay initiator
firing into the inlet port. Gas pressure exits from
the outlet port to actuate the man/seat separator
rocket. The piston rod, which extends below the
actuator, is connected to the harness release
bell crank. The bell crank initiates simultaneous
automatic actuation of each component of the
harness release system to cause man/seat separa-
tion during seat ejection. If the lap belts and
shoulder harness assemblies fail to release
automatically, the crew member can actuate the
harness release handle to release the assemblies.
The handle is also useful for routine removal and
installation of the parachute and survival kit.
The following components are connected to the
multiple arm bell crank: harness release actuator
piston rod, survival kit retaining pins, inertia reel
straps retaining pin cable, harness release handle
cable, and bell crank return spring. The actuator
also actuates the firing control disconnect
actuating arm.
board, lower aft side of each seat. The yaw vane
deploys just as the seat leaves the guide rails and
separator rocket is mounted on the aft inboard
presents a drag area of 1/2 square foot to yaw
side of the headrest area of each seat. The
the seat approximately 20 degrees. At this
separator rocket is used to separate the crew
position, the vane is blanked by the man/seat
member from the seat and drive the seat into a
structure, and becomes ineffective in creating any
divergent trajectory. Pressure from the harness
further increase in the degree of rotation.
release actuator outlet port is used to initiate the
Harness Release and Seat Separation
The harness release system provides automatic
release of the shoulder harness and lap belts
during the ejection sequence. The survival kit and
shoulder harness are locked in the seat by three
retaining pins, two through the survival kit lugs
and one through the shoulder harness inertia reel
strap lugs. Automatic release from the seat
during the ejection sequence is accomplished by
the harness release actuator, using a pressure-
actuated 0.3-second delay initiator. Gas pressure,
which exits from the outlet port of the harness
release actuator, is used to actuate the man/seat
separator rocket in the seat separation subsystem.
separator rocket. The separator rocket nozzle is
oriented to direct the exhaust plume forward, up,
and away from the crew member.
Aircraft-Attached Ejection
Seat Components
The following ejection seat related com-
ponents are located on the aircraft structure and
remain in the aircraft when the seat is removed
for maintenance.
GUIDE RAILS. Two guide rails are located
on each canted bulkhead behind each crew
member. Each set of guide rails is machined from
aluminum extrusions. Each outboard rail has a