during emergency conditions that require
emergency ground egress, seat ejection, or
ditching. The canopy must be clear of the
cockpit before seat ejection. Through the use of
pyrotechnics, the canopy is automatically un-
locked and jettisoned when seat ejection is
initiated. The canopy may be jettisoned without
initiating seat ejection by pulling a canopy
emergency jettison initiator handle (fig. 2-4),
located inside the aircraft or externally (fig. 2-5)
on either side of the aircraft.
System Operation
Pulling the pilot or NFO face curtain or
secondary firing control handle initiates seat
ejection (fig. 2-3). A system initiator is fired by
sear removal. This sends an explosive signal
through shielded mild detonating cord (SMDC)
lines to the safe-and-arm firing pins, canopy-
separation charge expanding SMDC, and canopy
gas generator. Expanding SMDC lines, routed
through the latch hooks, break the canopy latch
frangible bolts and allow the hooks to rotate
upward, releasing the canopy.
The canopy gas generator produces high-
pressure gas that forces the canopy hydraulic
actuator shaft upward, ballistically jettisoning the
canopy. As the canopy leaves the aircraft, the
Figure 2-5.Canopy external jettison initiator handle.
lanyard for the backup initiator becomes taut
and actuates linkage to remove the backup
initiator sear. This fires the initiator to send an
explosive signal through a 1.1-second time delay.
This signal positions an explosive charge within
Figure 2-4.Canopy emergency jettison initiator handles.