days must receive an egress system checkout before
performing any aircraft maintenance. The
egress/environmental work center and the other
maintenance work centers maintain records of system
checkouts. including date given, date due, and the
signature of the AME performing the checkout. The
plane captain must make sure that new personnel
assigned to him or her for training have a current
egress system checkout before entering the cockpit.
ESD is the transfer of electrostatic charge between
bodies at different electrostatic potentials. This is
caused by direct contact or induced by an electrostatic
ESD-safe areas are required in such areas as
supply. production control, and maintenance shops. In
these areas, the technician is tied to a soft ground that
reduces high current flow for personal safety.
The QA division ensures the following guidelines
are followed in the work center.
All work centers involved in avionic
maintenance and handling of ESD-sensitive
assemblies have ESD training programs.
ESD protective equipment and materials are
used to ensure personnel and equipment safety.
For personnel safety, all energized equip-
ment must be isolated from the work station
mat and other conductive material.
The Navy places great emphasis on effective and
continual training. A supervisor in a maintenance
activity has an ongoing responsibility for training his
or her personnel. An efficient training program
minimizes the loss when experienced maintenance
personnel transfer from the activity. Since the
activity's operational readiness depends largely on the
capability of the maintenance department, the quality
of the training program is important.
In-service training is a command responsibility.
Since this training represents a major contribution to
the Navys overall training effort, a systematic
in-service training program must be conducted.
In-service training is conducted in two
methods-formal and informal. Formal in-service
training is conducted through formal lectures and
computer-based training (CBT). Informal in-service
training is conducted through the performance of
on-the-job training (OJT) and the completion of
Personal Qualification Standards and required
As a plane captain, you will be exposed to all types
of training. Portions of this training will improve your
skills as a plane captain and prepare you for further
advancement. Other portions of this training, such as
fire fighting, may, in an emergency situation, save
your life. You should always learn all you can in any
training situation.
Hearing loss is a source of concern within the
Navy, both ashore and afloat. Hearing loss can occur
from exposure to impulse or blast noise (gunfire,
rockets, etc.) or from continuous or intermittent
sounds, such as jet engines or machinery noise in
industrial-type activities. Such loss may be temporary,
disappearing after a brief period of nonexposure, or it
may become permanent through repeated exposures to
intense noise levels. Hearing loss caused by exposure
to hazardous noise and the high cost of associated
compensation claims pose a significant problem,
which requires action to reduce or eliminate hazardous
noise levels.
Your responsibilities as a plane captain make it
impossible for you to avoid noise in day-to-day flight
operations, but you are provided with the means of
protecting your hearing. Always wear your sound
attenuators (often referred to as ears) and follow the
rules for noise exposure for the type of aircraft you are
working on. The hearing conservation program is
outlined in Navy Occupational Safety and Health
Program Manual, OPNAVINST 5100.23, and has
established as its goal the elimination and prevention
of hearing loss.
Aircraft accidents/incidents involving exposure to
gross amounts of salt water. fire-extinguishing agents,
or other corrosive agents require emergency action to