prevent further damage to the aircraft and/or systems.
The majority of emergency reclamation actions are
caused by carelessness or the lazy attitudes of
individuals. For example, overhead sprinkler systems
are often triggered by improper use of ground support
equipment (exhausts not vented properly). Failure to
close a canopy on an aircraft compounds the problem
by making the aircraft subject to water damage. Proper
training or supervision should keep reclamation
actions to a minimum. General procedures and basic
policies for the recovery, reclamation, and transfer of
crash-damaged aircraft are contained in The Naval
Aviation Safety Program, OPNAVINST 3750.6;
Aircraft Material Condition Definitions,
Mission-Essential Subsystems Matrices (MESMs),
and Mission Descriptions, OPNAVINST 5442.4; and
Policy and Procedures for Aircraft, Aircraft Engines
and Related Aeronautical Items Reclamation and
Disposal Program, NAVAIRINST 4500.11. These
publications are available on a need-to-know basis
The assistant aircraft maintenance officer
manages the Support Equipment (SE) Training and
Licensing Program. The quality assurance (QA)
division monitors it. The results of improper use of
support equipment are excessive ground handling
accidents, excessive repair costs to equipment and
aircraft, the reduction of operational readiness, and
personnel injuries-the most expensive cost of all.
The major reason for the improper use of SE is
attributed to the lack of training and effective
The training program consists of classroom
training conducted by the supporting activitys AIMD,
on-the-job training, and completing any personnel
qualification standard (PQS) for that equipment.
Classroom training is given so that personnel will
know the proper operation and organizational
maintenance for a particular piece of support
equipment. Upon satisfactory completion of the
training conducted by the supporting activity, a
completion certificate for the individual trained on a
specific item of SE is forwarded to the permanent
activity. The activity, upon receiving the completion
certificate, forwards it to the appropriate division
officer. The division officer ensures that the individual
has received the appropriate amount of on aircraft
training to become qualified to use the specific unit of
SE. The Restriction block on the SE license must
identify the type, model, and series of aircraft on which
the equipment can be used.
Once satisfied that the individual is qualified, the
division officer will endorse the completion certificate
and initiate the support equipment operators license
(fig. 5-17). The individual will sign the license, and
then it is forwarded to the maintenance officer for
signature. Each piece of equipment must be itemized;
for example, NC8, NC1O, etc. Any license containing
general equipment statements (aircraft tow tractor,
mobile electric power plant, etc.) is not valid. Only one
item per line is listed. After the signatures have been
obtained, the license issued is valid for 3 years for
equipment and aircraft regardless of the activity to
which the licensee is assigned.
Activities honoring licenses issued by other
commands verify the operators proficiency before
allowing the individual use of the equipment. Transfer
to an activity operating the same SE detailed on the
license, but with a different type/model aircraft,
invalidates the license. Transfer to an activity
operating the same type/model but a different series
merely requires verification of proficiency. License
renewal on a new card, whether issued at the time of
expiration or transfer, is granted only after a new
determination of qualifications has been made.
Qualification for license renewal consists of
passing the same written and practical tests used for
initial licensing to ensure equipment O-level
maintenance/operation and on-aircraft proficiency.
Failure requires personnel to repeat the course of
instruction for the equipment concerned. The
expiration date for each specific type of SE is noted in
column 8B on the license. The "Date Expires" block
on the front of the license should be marked "NA."
Commanding officers (COs) of issuing activities may,
as conditions warrant, require personnel in their
activities to be requalified sooner.
Support Equipment Misuse/Abuse forms can be
submitted by anyone witnessing misuse or abuse (fig.
5-18). The division of the individual originating the
report retains a copy of the Support Equipment
Misuse/Abuse report, and the original report is sent to
the organization that has Individual Material
Readiness List (IMRL) reporting responsibility for the