landing gear. It is listed as exempt from turn-in until
24 hours after a serviceable component is received
from supply. The CRIPL-01 is a microfiche
publication. The items listed in it are the only
authorized exceptions to the one-for-one turn-in rule.
Individual Component Repair List (ICRL). The
ICRL lets intermediate maintenance activity (IMA)
personnel determine if they can repair an individual
item based on its SM&R code. There are actually two
ICRLs. The ICRL-A is an overall statement of the
repair capability at a specific IMA. It shows the local
repair capability for each item. The ICRL-C is a
combined ICRL used by aircraft controlling
custodians (ACCs) to monitor and review the standard
ICRL programs at the IMAs under their command.
The ICRL-A is in microfiche and is revised
quarterly. It lists all the repairables processed by your
specific IMA, showing the local repair capability for
each item. ICRL items are listed, in sequence, by the
nine-digit national item identification number (NUN)
assigned to the particular item. The NIIN is part of the
NSN. The ICRL-A indicates when you must forward
a Scheduled Removal Component Card, OPNAV
Form 4790/28A, to the IMA or depot repair activity.
Each component in the ICRL has a Capability code
that indicates the degree of repair capability and the
reason for lack of repair capability at the IMA. The
codes in figure 3-6 give some reasons why an IMA
may not repair all the parts of the supported squadrons
Figure 3-6.ICRL Capability codes.