program within his/her geographical areas. This
representative also makes recommendations to the
AMMRL program manager about changes to overall
management and operational policies and procedures.
They schedule, prepare, and maintain IMRLs for all
applicable Navy aircraft maintenance activities;
obtain accountable in-use inventory reports from all
activities under assigned geographical areas, and
forward a quarterly inventory report to the ASO. They
also update the SERMIS, various IMRLs, and asset
reports regularly or as requested by activities in the
chain of command.
Support Equipment Controlling Authority
(SECA). SECAs are major aviation commands that
exercise administrative control of AMMRL program
SE end items for allowance and inventory control. The
following is a list of designated SECAs:
Commander, Naval Air Force, Atlantic
Commander, Naval Air Force, Pacific
Chief of Naval Air Training (CNATRA)
Commander, Naval Air Reserve Force
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command
Naval Air Maintenance Training Group
Commanders, Fleet Air (COMFAIR).
COMFAIRs represent the SECA within their
geographical areas of responsibility.
Aircraft Maintenance Activities. These
activities are responsible for the operation,
maintenance, review, and submission of requests for
revision of the IMRL. They also hold the annual
inventory and ensure that required custody cards are
on hand.
What two instructions describe the procedures
for allowance and inventory of the AMMRL
How is Naval Air Systems Command
(NAVAIRSYSCOM) involved in the AMMRL
sections of the Individual Material Readiness
List (IMRL) and their purposes.
The IMRL is constructed for Navy and Marine
Corps aviation maintenance activities by extracting
applicable portions of SERMIS data. Physical
inventories and IMRL transaction reports are the basis
for the on-hand quantity listed in the IMRL. This data
determines the material supportability for each IMRL
activity. The data is also consolidated to produce
functional wing, SECA, and Navywide listings.
IMRLs identify material requirements and provide a
basis for SE procurement. This information aids in
decisions on overall readiness posture, budget
forecasts, equipment procurement, and redistribution
of assets.
The IMRL serves as the allowance and inventory
management list for SE end items. IMRLs identify
material requirements and provide a measure of
supportability of aviation maintenance by identifying
authorized SE allowances and providing inventory
data. Inventory records within the SERMIS data base
provide information used to determine the total
inventory quantities. ASO also uses the IMRL
inventory and authorized allowance data to develop
the Aviation Consolidated Allowance List (AVCAL)
and Shore Based Consolidated Allowance List
(SHORECAL) for piece part support of SE end items.
The IMRL has five major sections: employment
data, change list, index, main body, and the activity
inventory record. An IMRL legend introduces every
IMRL. The legend lists all SERMIS data elements
printed in the IMRL with the headings as they appear.
A general description of the major IMRL sections with
an explanation of their contents and related
terminology are as follows:
Employment data section. This section gives the
activity the list of the employment data used to create
that IMRL. This list allows the activity to see the data
used to calculate the allowances shown in their IMRL.
Change list section. This section is a listing of all
the changes to an activitys IMRL since the printing
of the previous IMRL. An update action code shows
additions, deletions, or changes that affect an activity.
Index section. This section has six parts or
cross-references. The six cross-references are part