functions. AKs normally maintain the IMRL, which is
discussed in more detail later in this chapter.
The following paragraphs contain explanations of
the responsibilities of the various commands and
activities regarding the AMMRL program. Figure 3-9
illustrates the flow of authority and information from
and to these activities.
Naval Air System Command (NAVAIRSYS-
COM) Headquarters. This command exercises
overall program management and authority for the
AMMRL program. This includes the correlation of the
efforts of all activities concerned and for all facets of
the program.
Naval Air Engineering Center (NAVAIRENG-
CEN). This activity is responsible for the approval or
disapproval of all SERMIS revisions of SE submitted
by aviation maintenance activities for engineering or
funding investigations. It advises all concerned activities
of its decisions and forwards all approved revisions to
ASO for updating the master SERMlS file.
Aviation Supply Office (ASO). The ASO
maintains the SERMIS file by establishing and
maintaining a SERMIS application guide, which
includes SERMIS codes, avionics system number, and
standard allowance symbols. The ASO also enters
technical revisions in the SERMIS as provided by
NAVAIRENGCEN and used in the AMMRL
program. The ASO also enters nontechnical revisions
according to current supply system data maintenance
procedures. The ASO maintains the consolidated
accountable SE in-use inventory file as reported by the
NAVAIRSYSCOM representatives.
Naval Aviation Maintenance Office (NAMO).
The NAMO representative manages the AMMRL
Figure 3-9.Flow of authority and information from and to activities involved in the AMMRL Program.