activities attend this meeting. A representative of the
weapons department also attends the meeting. This
meeting provides the planning and coordination
needed to improve the overall maintenance program.
Organizational maintenance representatives
attend this meeting to discuss the quantity and type of
support required. This includes a discussion about the
contents of the organizational MMP. Squadron
representatives discuss ail factors that affect the
anticipated AIMD/IMA workload. This meeting is a
tool used to plan the monthly maintenance schedule.
The maintenance schedule is part of the MMP. The
AIMD monthly maintenance plan is distributed by the
last day, of the month prior to the month to which it
applies. The following information is included in the
A projected schedule of items to be inducted for
check and test from supported squadrons and the supply
Anticipated changes in the operational
commitments of supported activities
A schedule of technical training
A schedule of maintenance requirements for
shop-installed SE
Other known or anticipated factors affecting the
production effort of the IMA
All known TD incorporation requirements
A current list of QARs, CDQARs, and CDIs
Identification of forced removal (high-time)
Weapons department inputs, which include the
following: A projected schedule of armament weapons
support equipment (AWSE) inspections, those items
requiring test and check, and anticipated receipts or
transfers; all known WSE TD incorporation
requirements; and identification of known or
anticipated AWSE end items or components to be
returned to the AIMD for maintenance beyond the
capability of the weapons department or for other
Q58. What is the major provision of the Monthly
Maintenance Plan?
Q59. At the O level, when is the Monthly Maintenance
Plan for March required to be distributed?
Q60. Where can you find a list of current I-level
collateral duty inspectors?
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Define the purpose
of the Maintenance Training Improvement
Program (MTIP) in aircraft maintenance.
The Maintenance Training Improvement Program
(MTIP) is an unclassified training management system
which, through diagnostic testing procedures,
identifies training deficiencies at both the O- and
I-levels of maintenance. Through individual
evaluation of technical knowledge levels, a qualitative
assessment is made of existing training courses,
materials, and community level skills. Such
assessments point out corrective actions needed to
enhance technical knowledge levels and to improve
existing training courses.
The Director of Air Warfare (N88) establishes
policy and exercises overall control of the MTIP
Program; however, the AMO or IMA maintenance
officer ensures the MTIP program is conducted per
ACC/TYCOM directives.
Q61. What is the purpose of the Maintenance Training
Improvement Program (MTIP)?
This chapter discussed a variety of areas to include
NAMP objectives, familiarization of O- and I-level
maintenance, their structures, responsibilities, and
rating applications, as well as a brief overview of the
NALCOMIS program, VIDS/MAFs, SE records and
forms, how they are used in the maintenance
departments, and a brief description of MTIP. This
volume of information is more than any one individual
could memorize or be solely responsible for; therefore,
you should refer to the applicable references when you
need more information. Make sure you are informed
of any changes affecting you or your work center.