In chapter 1, you were given an overview of the
maintenance system, maintenance administration,
Visual Information Display System/Maintenance
Action Form (VIDS/MAF), and Naval Aviation
Logistics Command Information System
(NALCOMIS). In this chapter, you will learn about
some of the publications that you will use to perform
your duties.
Good technical manuals are necessary to maintain
modern weapons systems. The Navys combat
readiness depends upon the quality of these
publications and the knowledge and skill of
maintenance personnel using them.
Technical publications provide information and
direction in your own technical language. They are
prepared by the manufacturer of the specific aircraft
model, engine, or equipment and by NAVAIRSYS-
COM or its field activities, according to specifications
issued by NAVAIRSYSCOM. The information
contained in these manuals include the current,
authoritative directions for material upkeep, check,
test, repair, and operation. This provides for optimum
product performance. All personnel responsible for
the operation and maintenance of aircraft, engines, and
associated equipment and systems must know how to
use these publications. For more information
concerning the technical manual program, refer to
Naval Air Systems Command Technical Manual
Program, NAVAIR 00-25-100, and OPNAV
Application Guide and Index for Navy Standard
Technical Manual Identification Numbering System,
OPNAV N0000-00-IDX-000/TMINS.
purpose of technical publications. Identify the
manual that outlines the management of the
NAVAIR Technical Manual Program.
Recognize the types, styles, and formats of
NAVAIR technical publications. Recognize
the systems used to identify technical manuals.
Describe the means of updating technical
The primary purpose of technical publications is
to help you perform your assigned maintenance tasks.
If you are to maintain complex weapons systems, you
must be able to get the required information from
technical manuals. The Department of Defense
(DOD), the Department of the Navy (DON), and the
Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIRSYSCOM)
work together to maintain and improve the quality of
aeronautic technical publications.
The NAVAIR 00-25-100 manual describes the
NAVAIR Technical Manual Program and provides
guidance on maintaining technical manuals. It covers
such topics as audit/inventory, deficiency reporting,
storage, establishing libraries, ordering, changes, and
responsibilities for use within a command. It also
covers the use of Army/Air Force publications in the
NAVAIR system. All personnel in the aviation
maintenance ratings use this manual to maintain and
manage technical manuals.
As a technician, if you are to maintain complex
weapons systems, where must you obtain the
required information?
What manual provides guidance on maintaining
technical manuals?
Technical publications prepared for the NAVAIR
technical publication system are presented in specific
types, styles, and formats. You should be familiar with
the basic types, styles, and formats, and their intended
Types of Technical Manuals
Technical manuals are divided into two major
types, operational and maintenance. These manuals
are the basic source of information for definition of
operating instructions, tactical application, and the
maintenance and upkeep of hardware. They are also
the main support or reference for the training program.
Operational Manuals. Operational manuals
contain descriptions of weapons systems with
instructions for their effective use. These manuals,
such as the Naval Air Training and Operating